Legal & Regulation
Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) To Issue Hemp Growing Licenses

In order to take advantage of the hemp growing season, the Department of Consumer Protection of the state of Connecticut To Now Issue Hemp Growing Licenses is now accepting applications for hemp manufacturing licenses. Anyone who plans to manufacture hemp products that are consumed in any way by people — such as food products, lotions or oils — must obtain a license from the department.
Bryan Hurlburt, Department of Agriculture Commissioner said:
“In total, between our approved licenses and completed applications, there is a total of approximately 130 acres that are approved for hemp plantings. We understand how important it is to expedite the process and have been very diligent in keeping the process moving forward.”
Hulburt thinks that having a high value crop would keep farmers on the land, be an incentive for farmers to put more land into production, attract new farmers to the industry, stabilize farm incomes, add business opportunities for agricultural support businesses, employ more people, support the opportunity for value-added production, and generate more revenue for the state.
Under the 2018 federal Farm Bill, hemp is no longer a controlled substance. Connecticut's new law requires hemp growers, processors and manufacturers to obtain state licenses and abide by various requirements, including testing rules to ensure the hemp's levels of THC are at or below 0.003%.
Retailers of hemp products who are not manufacturing do not need licenses.
Consumer Protection Commissioner Michelle H. Seagull added:
“I am pleased that we have gotten this program up and running so quickly after the bill was signed. I want to thank the Department of Agriculture and our legislators for their support in making the start of this program a success. I look forward to this program growing as an important part of the state’s economy, and encourage those with questions about hemp manufacturing to reach out to us.”
More information about the hemp consumables manufacturing license, how to apply, testing requirements, and more can be found by visiting