CBD in Idaho: ID State Laws and Where to Buy Legally
CBD Oil Legality in Idaho: Cannabidiol State Law Regulations in ID, USA
Idaho is known as one of the biggest producers of potatoes and potato chips in the entire country. The state has a booming economic industry and has been praised many times over the years for the efficiency of their agricultural sector. But the state has never scored points when it comes to their view on drugs and therapeutic substances. In fact, the state is one of the few states remaining in the continental U.S. that does not have any kind of medical, recreational, or hemp pilot program for the derivatives of the marijuana plant.
Idaho has had its fair share of attempts to legalize CBD products, with a law in 2015 attempting to legalize CBD so long as it doesn’t have a significant amount of THC within its compound. This law as unfortunately vetoed by the governor, and few attempts have been made to legalize non-THC CBD since that law failed to be put into place. Without a medicinal program or a recreational adult-use cannabis framework in place, Idaho is among the slowest states to embrace the benefits of CBD.
Still, the Farm Bill technically made the industrialized hemp industry legal in all fifty states. This creates an important question of legality, both in possession and purchase, for citizens of Idaho interested in trying a variety of CBD products derived from the hemp plant.
Types Of CBD In Idaho
Idaho has an incredibly small selection of available CBD products for its citizens. First of all, the state does not have any kind of framework in place for the legal use of recreational or medicinal marijuana. This means that it is not legal to possess any CBD which contains a derivative of the marijuana plant. CBD with THC content is legal in some way in most states, but Idaho is in many ways an exception to this rule. There is no legal way for patients or regular adults to access marijuana or THC-containing CBD.
CBD without THC in it is another story, though. In most states, CBD with little-to-no THC content can be found in food health stores, in grocery stores, and even in some gas stations. In addition, both THC-containing and THC-free CBD can be found within most head shops and smoke shops, and even in vape shops in its smokable forms.
But in Idaho, CBD of any kind of not legal within state borders. While CBD without major THC in it is not banned from possession, it is very seldom sold within the state, especially because of Idaho’s difficult and often-confusing laws on the CBD and industrial hemp market. As a result, consumers in the state either have to go onto the internet or go without CBD entirely if they reside in Idaho permanently.
Age Restrictions For CBD In Idaho
Because the state continues to be so hard on CBD, it might be difficult for adults to even gain access to CBD in the first place. But if CBD is sold within the state of Idaho, it is typically only going to be sold to constituents of legal age, either eighteen or twenty-one depending on the jurisdiction and specific rules.
Within smoke and head shops, the typical age to even enter the establishment is usually either eighteen or twenty-one. So if the CBD product is sold within one of these stores, users should make sure that they are of legal age before entering and attempting to buy CBD products. As always, consumers should inquire to authorities within their own jurisdiction for more information.
Where To Find Idaho CBD
CBD is exceedingly hard to find in Idaho. The state has not yet legalized the hemp industry, despite a notable attempt by its legislature back in 2015. Any amount of THC in a product still makes the product a scheduled substance, so users have no hope of legally acquiring CBD with a significant THC content.
For CBD with no THC in it, though, the difficulty is still very much present. An Idahoan’s only true hope at getting legal CBD in the state is to get it through the internet.
Buying CBD Online In Idaho
A big hope for consumers in Idaho is the ever-expanding online CBD industry. Though local jurisdictions might have their own laws on the possession of the substance and users should make sure to operate within the confines of these local laws, it might be possible to obtain CBD in Idaho by ordering it online.
Beware, though, that some online retailers might not ship to Idaho because of the state’s strict laws against cannabis and hemp-derived products.
Future Legality Of Idaho CBD
Hopefully Idaho will begin to relax some of its laws on hemp and cannabis-based products. For now, the state is very hard on both sets of products, creating a complicated legal framework that continues to confuse and annoy consumers in this growing market for CBD.