Editorial Policy
The TimesofCBD.com editorial team is committed to creating high-quality, time-sensitive, objective content.
The cannabis, marijuana, hemp and CBD-related news updates and information found on our website is published according to strict editorial policies. To-date, TimesofCBD is one of the most active daily cannabis-centric news websites on the Internet, covering all CBD industry updates, researching marijuana market trends and hemp guidelines.
In alignment with that editorial policy, we publish content that is comprehensive, well-researched from reliable sources, timely, and objective. We want you to read our website knowing that you’re getting the best possible CBD-related information – distilled and delivered to you daily for free via our emerging website.
Our content goes through multiple stages before being published. At each stage, the content is reviewed by experienced editors and professionals. Our team consists of CBD experts, digital publishing veterans, professional writers, and medically-minded individuals.
We also do our best to present all sides of an argument and shed light and awareness on there being two sides to every headline story published. When discussing a controversial subject, we don’t want to pick sides: we want to present you with the objective facts, then allow you to come to the conclusion on your own and help further research and primary talking points.
Key tenets of our editorial policy include:
Selecting a Topic: Many of our topics are pulled from today’s headlines. We review press releases and 24/7 global news cycles from across the CBD industry. We monitor popular social media networks such as Twitter, Reddit, Facebook and even Instagram. We stay up-to-date on the latest developments, studies, partnerships, announcements and releases. Then, we write about those developments in an easy-to-read and understand format looking to extract the essence of each story. For feature pieces, user guides and non-news-related stories, we field content ideas from our team to ensure those stories would be relevant to our readers.
Researching: Our team researches stories as much as possible using a variety of sources. We also look to contact personal sources to verify information and accuracy of details being reported. We fact-check using available online and offline resources to the best of our ability, both at a writing and editing level before publishing. We contact PR departments for additional statements and quoted comments if necessary. We do our best to follow every available lead connected to a store to ensure we’re putting out the best possible information from the CBD industry.
Writing: Once fact checking and topic development is complete, the writing phase begins. One of our experienced writers will craft a well-sourced, easy-to-grasp article. Some articles are written by the collective team, especially the long-winded all-encompassing user guides that act as the foundation and core of TimesofCBD website.
Additional Discussion and Fact Checking: Once the story is complete, our team reads through it to ensure the details match the facts. A draft copy of the article is shared with the team, with each team member adding his or her own edits to the final copy. It is vitally important that all names, companies, products and market data is correct and spelled properly.
Final Editing: Once any changes have been approved and fact checked, we edit the final piece of content to ensure it’s perfect enough to be posted.
Continuous Updating: An article’s journey doesn’t end once it’s posted to our website; wherever necessary, we continue to update articles with any ongoing developments or new reports. We disclose these updates directly on the article. The original article remains unchanged and encourage all readers to reach out to us regarding any modifications or edits that need made at contact @ timesofcbd.com.
Our Sources
We utilize a range of sources to give our readers the highest possible quality of information.
Many of our sources are human sources. After years of working around in the industry, we’ve developed professional connections with people in the industry. When applicable, we leverage these human sources to bring our readers the genuine truth from inside the industry.
For the most part, however, we leave the human element out of it; instead, we use published medical research studies, government (.gov) databases, university (.edu) websites, and other high-quality sources to verify the facts posted on our website.
Understandably, we cannot divulge our human sources for many of our insider articles. However, we link to our online or offline sources where applicable, allowing you to check the source (say, a published study) to verify the facts for yourself.
We Keep You Updated
As with any new industry, the CBD industry is changing on – quite literally – a daily basis. This is particularly noticeable in the way CBD is regulated between states. State-by-state CBD regulations are in a state of flux. We update our articles to reflect these changes.
However, it’s also possible for some changes to slip through, and for outdated information to appear on our site. Openly we admit we’re not perfect! And as any member of the CBD community knows – it’s hard to keep up with all the latest developments in one of, if not the fastest growing health and wellness sector in the world. We encourage our readers to contact us or leave a comment if they see any inaccurate information on our website and will promptly respond to your inquiry and input.
CBD Content Relevant to You
We publish the CBD-related content we think you want to read. Generally, we believe we do a good job of this. However, we also need your help: contact us and tell us what you want to read.
Some of our readers are interested in the health benefits of CBD. They scoop up every new study on previously-undiscovered health benefits.
Other readers are into the latest CBD-infused supplementation; whether it be oils, tinctures, gummies, edibles, drinks, pets, skincare, topicals and sprays – we cover it all. They may even want to read reviews for the latest CBD vape pens. They want our thoughts on the latest industry innovation, technology and advancements which is our speciality.
Ultimately, our goal is to cover the topics most relevant to the CBD industry. At the same time, we’re not afraid to publish controversial content that challenges the status quo, especially in an space as sensitive and long-standing as marijuana is.
We Read Every Email
As a growing CBD website, we welcome suggestions and encourage feedback from our beloved readers and valued visitors. That’s why we have a unique promise for you: we promise to not only read every email you send to us, but respond to it as well – in a timely manner too.
Want to bash us or lash out at us or tell us we’re trash? That’s okay! Email us and tell us why you think that way. Want to tell us to focus on a new topic, review a new headline story, or check out a new company or branded product line? You can email us too!
Bottom line is, we want to hear from you – and we promise to read your email as our highest hope and chief aim is to help clear up the cloudy confusion about CBD as we know, the times' sure are a changin'.