CBD (Cannabidiol)
Top 3 Ways CBD (Cannabidiol) Can Benefit Your Healthy 2019 New Year’s Resolutions

Every new year comes with its own peculiarities and optimism. Among these are individual’s personal decisions and the catchphrase ‘New Year resolutions’.
Although each person has a unique way of defining what these resolutions are for themselves, yet, there are distinguishing features that resonate through all persons. And that is the fact that a resolution must be made, whether manifestly or latently.
The resolutions could be psychological, social, spiritual or behavioral. It could also be in terms of dropping some habits and defining physiological or pathological traits that hitherto urgently need to be attended to.
Again, you’ve got to prioritize these grand ambitions by taking very seriously the areas of self-care, physical fitness, personal health, and hygiene.
Doing this also means you should use all the necessary tools to help you achieve those goals. One of these tools could be CBD. So, the question is how can a cannabinoid substance help support my most cherished resolutions as highlighted above?
CBD as Cure-all Fitness Remedy
The beauty of human physiological composition is that the wellness of the physical has a way of determining mental health. By this, we mean that even in the midst of disappointments, project setbacks, sack, poor results and outcomes, a full commitment to physical exercise keeps your mind sharp and gives you some sort of control.
That itself gives great support to your emotional and mental balance. Working out, therefore, can be quite intense and can leave you with soreness and body aches. Smart fitness enthusiasts are therefore taking advantage of CBD (Cannabidiol) to help reduce soreness and muscle inflammation that may result from an increase in physical activity.
This is not surprising given that medical research has shown that Cannabidiol has the capacity to relieve pain associated with athletic performance. CBD essentially could help serve as a potential alternative that could replace pain relief medications, this way you can keep on working out and staying fit for longer.
CBD Helps You Fight Bad habits
There are a lot of bad and self-destructive habits that a lot of people want to let go of, including addiction to smoking and illicit substances. All these habits have a significant impact on the health of the user, including lung cancer, emphysema, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, leukemia, cataracts, pneumonia, and chronic bronchitis.
For most people though, fighting these bad habits can be a losing battle as the addiction can become very powerful and hard to resist –particularly when the triggers are abundant and there’s no replacement. For example, many people smoke to relieve stress and give them some sort of control. Not smoking, therefore, can cause them to become even more stressed. That, combined with the withdrawal effects like being restless, moody, irritable, and anxious, can make it really difficult for you to stick to that resolution. The good news is that CBD can help you fight these withdrawal symptoms and keep you committed to your goals.
The first thing you find in Cannabidiol is the high level of its potency in significantly reducing the psychological bias towards and urge to smoking cigarettes.
A 2018 study published by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, a department of the United States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health showed that participants on whom CBD was administered had their addiction to cigarettes under control.
The survey also confirmed that the participants felt less gratification when they looked at pictures that depicted cigarettes or smoking.
Also, self-reports from the participants indicated that they didn’t suffer any withdrawal symptoms while taking CBD. From that, one can imply that CBD could be effective reduce smoking cues which in turn will reduce craving for cigarette nicotine.
CBD Effective for Stress Reduction and Sleep Enhancement
Experts have found out that CBD has the capacity to help you combat stress by helping you get more sleep. With the help of CBD, you could increase the amount of time you get to sleep, therefore helping you kick insomnia. Naturally, once the stress is reduced, you can get a good night’s sleep.
While we know that CBD does aid sleep, we really don’t know how it does this. Available reports indicate that CBD increases the level of the neurotransmitters serotonin and glutamate, but even that isn’t confirmed yet, as they’re mere speculations.