CBD (Cannabidiol)
Top CBD Books: Favorite, Must-Read Books on Cannabidiol and Cannabis

Want to learn more about CBD? Ready to upgrade your knowledge on cannabidiol? Today, we’re highlighting some of the best CBD books you can read today.
There are more CBD books available today than ever before. Thanks to the nationwide legalization of hemp and CBD, publishers are no longer scared to produce cannabidiol books. You can also find independent authors who have published their own eBooks through Amazon.
You can find books about the CBD industry. You can read books written by researchers who discuss the health benefits of CBD. You can read books about running your own CBD business, or books about how cannabis has impacted the culture and history of humans for the last 5,000y ears.
Whether interested in the politics, benefits, science, culture, or business of CBD, there’s a book for you. Here are some of our favorite cannabis and CBD books.
Healing With CBD: How Cannabidiol Can Transform your Health Without the High
Written by Eileen Konieczny, RN, with Lauren Wilson
Cannabidiol is prized for its health benefits. Research continues to be done on the health benefits of CBD, and nobody really knows for sure just how powerful CBD is. This book does a good job of summing up the current research on CBD, including how CBD can help various health conditions.
There are facts – like the fact that CBD has a proven efficacy at reducing certain types of seizures in certain types of patients. Then there are more controversial statements: like some people who believe CBD cures cancer.
In addition to covering the purported health benefits of CBD, this book analyzes the various delivery methods. Is CBD more effective when taking orally? Do sublingual tinctures really maximize the health benefits of CBD? More research needs to be done on the topic, but the writers (one of whom is a Registered Nurse) do a good job of summing up available research.
Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana
Written by Michael Backes
If you’re looking for a professional summary of the medical benefits of cannabis, then Cannabis Pharmacy is a great job. The book summarizes relevant research on cannabis, dosage information, discussions of which cannabis ratios are most effective, and how cannabis can help various health conditions.
Although the book focuses mostly on medical marijuana, several sections dive into CBD where relevant. There are also discussions on how medical marijuana can help kids with certain conditions.
Cannabis Pharmacy describes all of this information without feeling like a medical journal. It’s written in plain English, accompanied by graphs and charts to explain various hard-to-describe concepts.
Brave New Weed: Adventures Into the Uncharted World of Cannabis
Written by Joe Dolce
Brave New Weed dives deep into the science, history, and culture of cannabis, including how cannabis culture in America has evolved over the years. Dolce also touches on the medical benefits of cannabis, including how cannabis has shown increase efficacy at treating traumatic brain injuries in patients.
The writing is entertaining. Instead of sounding like a sociologist or medical researcher, Dolce seems like a well-spoken friend describing the culture of cannabis. At the same time, Dolce has clearly done his research.
One of the few drawbacks of Brave New Weed is that it was published in 2017, before the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill that legalized hemp and CBD nationwide. Nevertheless, it presents a great summary of how cannabis works within today’s cultural and medicine scenes.
CBD: A Patient’s Guide to Medicinal Cannabis
Written by Leonard Leinow and Juliana Birnbaum
With the letters ‘CBD’ emblazoned in enormous font across the front of the book, it’s clear what this book is about. CBD’s writers offer specific information on how to use CBD to treat various conditions. Instead of just exploring its benefits, the writers explain in detail how to use CBD.
The book also includes information about the different delivery methods of CBD, how high-CBD cannabis strains work, and the research behind various delivery methods of CBD.
In the book, patients will find explanations of how CBD may be able to provide relief from conditions like seizures, pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression, arthritis, and other issues.
What’s the difference between alcohol-based tinctures, CO2 concentrated extracts, capsules, and other CBD delivery methods? The book covers everything. It’s intended not just for patients interested in CBD – but for doctors interested in prescribing CBD to their patients.
Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany
Written by Robert C. Clarke and Mark D. Merlin
If the books above were too casual for you, then Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany might be what you’re looking for. It’s a meticulously-researched, scholarly book that reads more like a textbook than anything else. CBD isn’t the main focus. Instead, the writers explore the history, genetics, and science behind the cannabis plant in general.
The book is written like a textbook. You can expect to find columns of densely-packed text on many of the book’s 453 pages.
However, calling Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany just a biology textbook is misleading: the authors also dive into the impact that cannabis has had on human society over the millennia, the various goods produced using the cannabis plant, and how cannabis has affected various religions and cultures.
The ABCs of CBD
Written by Shira Adler
This book is catered towards parents interested in giving CBD to their kids. The book is written with an older audience in mind: if you grew up being told that marijuana was evil, for example, but are now interested in exploring its benefits, then this might be the book for you.
This entry-level book explains how CBD may be able to reduce symptoms of ADHD, Alzheimer’s, anxiety, cancer, chronic pain, colitis, or even autism.
Author Shira Adler has carved a niche as a “marijuana mom” over the last few years. The author, speaker, advocate, and entrepreneur has branded herself using hashtags like #TheMarijuanaMama and #CannaGodmother (seriously). She’s using her voice to spread the virtues of cannabis for parents or even those who are just curious about the plant.
The Cannabis Health Index: Combining the Science of Medical Marijuana with Mindfulness Techniques to Heal 100 Chronic Symptoms and Diseases
Written by Uwe Blesching
The wordy title behind the book explains what it covers. This scholarly text synthesizes information from more than 1,000 studies on cannabidiol and cannabis, discussing the purported healing powers of marijuana and its impact on various diseases.
The author is a former paramedic who has a PhD in alternative healthcare. Uwe Blesching actually takes the time to rate the efficacy of cannabis at the start of each condition-specific chapter, making it easy to get at-a-glance information on how cannabis can treat, say, depression or anxiety. He has collected information from all types of studies, then analyzed the results of those studies to come up with a coherent rating.
By the end of the text, Blesching has presented evidence that cannabis can be used as a powerful therapeutic remedy. Despite dealing with over 1,000 medical studies, the book manages to be approachable and easy to understand even for a layperson with limited knowledge of marijuana.
Final Word
There are dozens of CBD books available for sale on Amazon and through other book retailers. The books above offer high-quality insight into cannabis and CBD, including their purported health benefits, their impact on history, and the way patients can use CBD or cannabis for maximum health benefit.