Smoking CBD: The Cannabidiol-High of CBD-Rich Hemp Flower Buds
Smoking CBD Oil Guide: Understanding The Health Benefits And Side Effects
CBD oil is taking over the United States. Every day, new companies crop up offering hundreds of variations of the same CBD and hemp-based products. There is no shortage of customers to drive up demand for the budding industry, either. It is projected that the CBD and hemp industry will soon overtake the marijuana market in total global value by the year 2022.
Despite the popularity of the industry and the increasing educational efforts of members and entities of the community, there still exist numerous myths and misunderstandings regarding the world’s newest obsession. For a number of reasons, conflicting information has made it difficult for individuals looking to try out CBD oil to find the correct instructions on how to use their purchases to achieve the desired effect.
The most popular method of consuming CBD oil is likely smoking. Smoking almost comes naturally to mind when the general public considers how the cannabis-derived substance is often ingested. Though it would be very wrong to argue that CBD is only consumed via smoking, this method of ingestion remains among the most popular for users all over the growing industry.
But because of the previously dubious legal status of the industry, as well as the Federal Food and Drug administration’s present restrictions on the type of information that producers of CBD oil can provide to customers, it has become difficult for some consumers in the CBD industry to find reliable information on how they can smoke the CBD that they purchase.
Benefits Of Smoking CBD Oil
The main benefit of smoking CBD oil is the concentration and potency of the CBD converted into the body of the user. Because smoking absorbs the chemical directly into the bloodstream, this method is particularly effective for those who want to maximize the effect of the substance. Another major benefit from this method of using CBD oil is that smoking allows the user to enjoy CBD in a pure form as they closely monitor how much of the substance they take in.
Smoking CBD oil is also a popular way to use CBD because the act of smoking is among the quickest ways to feel the perceived effects of the CBD in the body. Smoking has always been a very quick way of ingesting substances, with the fastest-acting forms of CBD smoking allowing the effects to be felt on the user within minutes of smoking.
Negatives Of Smoking CBD
Naturally, it should first be noted that smoking any substance is bad for both the lungs and the throat. The “oil rigs” used to smoke CBD are often not loaded with any kind of filters, meaning that the residues and harmful chemicals used in the extraction process of the CBD oil are given full access to the smoker’s lungs and throat. While the long-term effects of smoking CBD have not yet been fully researched, it is safe to say that smoking, in general, has its downsides for the body of the user.
And although the high concentrations and quick absorption processes are often perks offered by smoking CBD are perceived benefits, they have significant cons as well. For one, users who are new to smoking CBD might have a difficult time fully regulating the amount of exposure they get to the substance. It is true that CBD oil smoking gives consumers the power to decide how much oil they take in at a time, but the high concentration might make it harder for a new user to moderate their usage of the substance. Someone trying to only experience the minor effects of smoking CBD, for example, might have a hard time with smoking straight oil—precisely because of its high concentrations.
How To Smoke CBD Oil
This is actually among the most common questions that hopeful CBD oil consumers have. Despite the interest, there still exist relatively few online resources instructing members of the community on how to smoke CBD properly and safely. Luckily, there exist few unique health harms to smoking CBD, especially when the process is compared to some of the other substance that people often ingest via smoking.
The two most common methods of smoking CBD oil come in the form of either “oil rigs” or “dabbing.” Oil rigs are simply a rigged-up water pipe in which oil can be heated to high temperatures before being inhaled by the consumer orally. The pros of this method of smoking CBD is that it allows for quick ingestion and often maximizes the concentration of the intake of CBD by the user.
Dabbing has become more common in recent years, due in-part to its close association with the cannabis and THC communities. Dabbing involves quick vaporization of the concentrates contained in CBD, a principle component of the cannabis plant. At its core, the process allows for the CBD to be applied to a super-hot surface before being inhaled by the consumer.
It should be noted that although dabbing typically involves intoxicating and THC-filled CBD concentrates, it can also be used as an incredibly effective method of ingesting non-intoxicating CBD that does not have any THC. This is an important distinction for some users because a high THC content within a concentrate could have the unintended effect of intoxication—and will even show up on some drug tests!
Materials For Smoking CBD
The materials needed to smoke CBD depends on which method a user intends to employ. For the rig setup, many companies offer premade “oil rigs” that are handy for the easy consumption of CBD via smoking. These rigs operate like traditional water pipes, allowing oil to be heated to a high enough temperature to be inhaled at the end of the pipe.
Dabbing is a bit more complicated. For the best results, packages of dab materials are a nice way to start. Dab kits will typically just include something to heat up the substance, something to catch the residue, and a high-concentrate dab ring for the smoking itself.