CBD in Mississippi: MS State Laws and Where to Buy Legally
CBD Oil Legality in Mississippi: Cannabidiol State Law Regulations in MS, USA
Mississippi is one of the cornerstones of the American South. As a result, the state has a major reputation for less-than progressive policies. Echoing the political convictions of much of the South, Mississippi has been slow to legalize many aspects of the growing marijuana industry. They remain one of the minority of states in the continental U.S. that does not have any kind of medical or recreational marijuana program, and Mississippi does not have an industrial hemp pilot program either. Unfortunately for CBD users within the state, CBD is similarly difficult for consumers in the state to obtain.
CBD is available and legal for consumers to purchase and consume, but under only the most specific and limited of circumstances. For the most part, CBD is only legal to be sold to those with strict medical conditions that make the use of CBD necessary. The laws pertaining to this strange framework came in 2014, quickly following the passage of the federal “Farm Bill,” which is typically interpreted by most states to have legalized the entirety of the hemp industry.
In many ways, it appears that Mississippi is directly fighting against the popular interpretation attributed to the momentous federal “Farm Bill” of 2014. The state does not seem particularly interested in securing the rights of the CBD industry within their borders, which might make it extremely difficult for consumers in the state to gain access to the substance they need.
CBD Laws In Mississippi
The only laws on the books regarding a relaxation of the serious anti-marijuana stance of the state of Mississippi are the “Harper Grace’s Law” in 2014 and SB 2610 from 2017. This piece of legislation, appearing before the house as House Bill 1231, was passed and legalizes CBD in very limited medical instances. In order to obtain CBD under this state law, citizens must have a serious medical problem and get a signed document from their physician outlining the necessity of CBD for their continuing treatment regimen.
But the Mississippi law is even more restrictive than that. Harper Grace’s Law only makes it legal for a consumer to purchase and possess CBD if they have a specific “debilitating epileptic condition.” It doesn’t stop there, either. Only CBD oils which have been specifically tested by the National Center for National Products Research, a department in the University of Mississippi, are legal. These oils are also only allowed to be dispensed from the Pharmacy Services center at this same university.
The state passed Senate Bill 2610 in 2017. This bill expanded the types of conditions that warrant legal CBD oil use. This list now includes seizures, as well as a few additional medical conditions.
Aside from this legislation, the state has been relatively silent on the subject of the hemp industry. This sets Mississippi apart from much of the country, which has begun to relax their stance on the benign, non-THC hemp industrial hemp industry in response to public interest in CBD and other hemp-derived products.
Age Requirements For CBD In Mississippi
Age requirements for Mississippi CBD are rather straightforward. Minors can access medical CBD, but only with the permission of their doctor. If all the proper conditions are met and the situation is serious enough, there do not appear to be any laws on the books preventing doctors from recommending CBD for use by a minor. Still, the stigma associated with the substance often means that doctors try to avoid prescribing cannabis and hemp products to any minors.
Where To Find Mississippi CBD
As it stands, Mississippi laws only allow CBD oil to be purchased from a single location, the Department of Pharmacy Services at the University of Mississippi. Buying CBD from any other location is absolutely not legal and can be a serious violation.
Types Of CBD In Mississippi
The only CBD available legally in Mississippi is low-THC CBD oil distributed from the Department of Pharmacy Services and tested by the National Center for Natural Products at the University of Mississippi. This oil will always contain less than .05% THC content by volume and must have at least 15% CBD in it.
All other types of CBD are still strictly illegal within the state of Mississippi.
Buying CBD Online In Mississippi
Buying CBD online in Mississippi is a clear legal grey area. Though many sites on the internet will ship to Mississippi and there do not appear to be any laws against shipping CBD products to the state, it remains illegal via state law to possess any CBD which has not followed the strict guidelines for acquisition set by Mississippi’s existing laws.
Consumers are responsible for making sure they are following the laws of their jurisdiction and state, and they should conduct further research before buying CBD online in Mississippi. In any case, this legal grey area ought to be approached with caution.