Legal & Regulation
New Atlantic WeedBoard Catalogues Legal Cannabis Resources for Convenient Research

The CBD and cannabis market continues to expand. Despite the work of advocates and lawyers alike to minimize myths and spread genuine knowledge, confusion persists all over the United States concerning how the budding cannabis market fits into existing legal frameworks and regulatory statutes. As a consequence, some users may stray from using cannabis products entirely for fear of accidentally violating the law, while others may break the law inadvertently.
In an effort to respond to this massive industry problem in the cannabis market, Atlantic WeedBoard has been created as a resource for members of the cannabis community looking to further understand the dense legal framework surrounding the massive U.S. industry. The timing could not be better; cannabis interest is at an all-time high, and analysts project that the cannabis market is likely to grow to over $165 billion by the end of 2025. As this market continues to expand and generate massive revenues for states all over the country, consumers need to be prepared to face what legal challenges still might be present in their path to legal cannabis.
An Information Cache
Atlantic WeedBoard makes use of consumer reports to establish a starting point for researchers looking to get ahold of more information concerning the legal status of their favorite cannabis products. The site includes reviews from cannabis users, interviews with manufacturers/growers, and numerous forums for users to exchange information and ask the questions important to them.
In addition to discussions of legal matters and information concerning pertinent laws, the site hosts a number of hemp reviews and other resources. According to a founder, the site is intended to establish a serious community in the world of legal cannabis users. The site’s leaders hope that this community will help to expand accountability for cannabis businesses and increase a sense of healthy competition and transparency among companies specializing in the popular new product.
Online Shopping Secondary
According to the site’s cofounder Richard Carey, Atlantic WeedBoard is intended to be far more than just an “online shopping site.” To him, and to the other executives leading the operation, the site should become a starting point for what should be a welcoming, safe, and informative community of legal cannabis users all over the country. As the industry becomes more mainstream and more states look into legalizing the bountiful marketplace for cannabis and cannabis products, it is likely that many more sites like Atlantic WeedBoard will grow in popularity.