Legal & Regulation
FDA Requests $5 Million Budget for CBD Initiative on Testing and Legal Issues

On Tuesday, President Trump sent a budget request to Congress. The request included a $5 million budget request for the FDA in order to act upon hemp CBD initiatives.
The request can be read in full here.
According to a news report by Compass Natural Marketing, Daniel Fabricant, Ph.D., President and CEO of the Natural Products Association (NPA) stated:
“This is a step in the right direction and is an indication that the agency has the resources to regulate the industry. However, this does not go far enough to specifically address the issue of setting safe level of daily consumption for [hemp] CBD products. Setting a safe level of consumption for [hemp] CBD products is the best way to move forward with this promising new product while protecting consumers.”
Daniel Fabricant, President and CEO of Natural Products Association, also shared in the aforementioned report that the new funding is welcome, but that it also puts the cart before the horse. The Natural Products Association advocates that the first thing that the FDA should do is to establish safe exposure levels for hemp CBD, and such levels would take into account the many sources of molecules that consumes have available to them, including supplements, beverages, and food.
All information is for general informational and educational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as legal or medical advice.