Legal & Regulation
FDA is Still Uncertain as to Whether CBD is Safe for Human Consumption?

In November 2019, the Food and Drug Administration has expressed uncertainty, in a report, as to whether cannabidiol is safe, and informed the public that there is limited data. The report also highlights that CBD can cause potential harm to the liver, it can impact the metabolism of other drugs, and combining it with alcohol or depressants can enhance the risk of sedation and drowsiness, thus leading to injuries.
According to a recent report by Nutritional Outlook, there is no telling what data the FDA has, but at this point, we are in the early stages concerning CBD and hemp extract formulas. Most preliminary data is based on animal and human observational studies, and there are also several CBD supplement companies that have conducted studies of their own formulas.
The report also raises questions as to whether New Dietary Ingredient notifications are the solution. Of course, it would also require quire that CBD be subject to all the regulations concerning other supplements. For this to happen, a bill introduced by Collin Peterson, the House Agriculture Committee Chairman, would need to pass. And as to whether that will happen is not entirely clear.
If it does though, and CBD companies are subject to the NDI process, companies would be required to provide the FDA with the information that they have concerning CBD product safety. This could possibly provide the FDA with more insight on CBD necessary to make a conclusive determination.