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USDA Nationwide THC Testing Standard Faces Difficultly to Determine Hemp from Marijuana



USDA Nationwide THC Testing Standard Faces Difficultly to Determine Hemp from Marijuana

It appears that the United States Department of Agriculture is having trouble developing a nationwide THC testing standard, according to a recent Hemp Industry Daily report featuring a statement by an official from the department.

William Richmond of the Specialty Corps Program in the USDA’s Agriculture Marketing Service indicated that the expectation was that the industry would have hemp rules by now. He made the statement to CBD business owners. The trouble is, the 2018 Farm Bill requires that the THC testing protocol requires that it use “post-decarboxylation or other similarly relatable methods.”

He added, “We need to have testing procedures in place.” Developing such testing methods is, “as complicated as you think it is.”

There is currently no timeline for how long it will take for the USDA to complete the rules, but the ultimate projection is by the 2020 growing season. Richmond also invited feedback from his audience, stating “Tell us what we got right – and more important, tell us what we got wrong, because we have the opportunity to fix it.”

For now, though, it seems that states are implementing their own testing methods. For example, Oregon applies the “Total THC” standard. This means that for compliance with the 2018 Farm Bill, the amount of THC and THCA in the formula must be taken into consideration. The sum of the two figures must not exceed 0.3%.

In any case, once the USDA rolls out its testing standards, it may create a shift in the industry and how states test the THC in their products. At the end of the day though, the products must comply with the 2018 Farm bill, or any other laws that come out in the near future. Understanding the testing process and laws can help individuals make informed decisions. Marijuana is illegal under federal law and is classified as a Schedule I substance.

All information is for general informational and educational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as legal or wellness advice.

Jane is a regular contributor who learned about the great benefits of CBD a few years ago after starting it herself. Impressed by its effects, she's interested in helping others learn about options that can be helpful for them.

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