Legal & Regulation
New Directory of 37 DEA-Certified Hemp Testing Labs Published by USDA

The United States Department of Agriculture, perhaps in an afford to mitigate confusion concerning certified hemp testing labs, has issued a directory of 37 testing facilities.
According to the website listing the laboratories, any laboratory that tests hemp for THC under the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program must be registered with the DEA so that it may handle controlled substances. The list features laboratories that have registered with the DEA. In addition, the website indicates that licensed hemp producers should verify first with their licensing body, whether it be a state or tribe, where their hemp may be tested.
It does not appear that everyone is pleased concerning the registration requirements for laboratories. For example, in a report by Hemp Industry Daily, attorney Jonathan Miller, stated that the fear is that the limitation “could place an undue strain” on labs and cause a delay in THC testing, ultimately resulting in “long bottlenecks” delaying industry progress.
All information is for general informational and educational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as legal or medical advice.