Legal & Regulation
FDA Still Unsettled About CBD, Cites Dosing Amounts and Medical Interactions as Biggest Questions

Dr. Amy Abernethy and Lowell Schiller of the FDA are part of a work group tasked with determining the impact of cannabinoids in food, drugs, and dietary supplements. The conclusions are meant to help the FDA develop a policy concerning CBD in food and dietary supplements.
At this point, there are four outstanding health questions that Dr. Abernethy and Lowell list in the first statement they released. They are looking to know more about:
- the safe levels of CBD consumption.
- the interaction between CBD and other drugs.
- the affect of CBD on populations such as children, the elderly, pregnant, and lactating women.
- the risk of long-term CBD use.
According to Dr. Abernethy and Lowell, the FDA is “committed to evaluating the regulatory frameworks for nondrug uses, including products marketed as foods and dietary supplements.”
The full statement can be read on here: FDA CBD statement