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Canadian Cannabis Survey Shows Patients Mostly Consult Doctors for Medical Marijuana, But Is Cost A Problem?



Canadian Cannabis Survey Shows Patients Mostly Consult Doctors for Medical Marijuana, But Is Cost A Problem?

A combination of online surveys dubbed, “CPhA Medical Cannabis Study,” were conducted with Canadians between the ages 18 and over (sample size > 177) have recently been summarized in terms of results.

Since the legalization of marijuana, consumers have had ongoing consultations regarding its medical uses, of which 41% of the trusted resource are doctors. With such freedom of discussion, it turns out that affordability may be a concern.

On average, medical cannabis users are believed to spend $173.25 on a monthly basis. At most 38% rely heavily on cannabis use to deal with their symptoms and for treatment purposes.

This being said, at least 26% find it harder to access it with 25% deeming a relative surge in prices. Interestingly, those who make an income of over $100,000 have been the ones to have felt the latter sentiment, accounting for 31% within that respective bracket.

Figure i: Obtained from

Due to heightened costs, many have been finding other sources, with roughly 48% retorting to the illegal market for cannabis, followed by 44% of whom go to the recreational market. If these aren’t bad enough, supply appears to be the next big concern, as 31% had to wait for supplies to be restocked.

Another area that evidently needs expounding upon when it comes to cannabis use is education. As seen below, most of the knowledge garnered by Millennials in relation to cannabis use comes from either someone who has personally experienced it, homecare workers, and friends or family.

Figure ii: Obtained from

While this is not so shocking, basing off of personal experiences isn’t the right way to educate one self, as each individual is different, especially when it comes to one’s body. With this in mind, baby boomers are least likely to take advise from anyone but those within the medical system.

News outlet, Mugglehead also reported on the results obtained and has since referenced Canadian Pharmacists Association Chair, Christine Hrudha, who shared that the government needs to do more to help patients responding to medical cannabis use:

“It is important to understand how patients may use and access cannabis in order to help them manage their medications and treatment […] What they [patients] need is more support from the government, who has left them behind on the road to legalization of recreational cannabis.”

For a complete breakdown of results, click here.

Gilbert Smith is rolling into his double digit year of occupation as a professional writer and skilled freelancer who has been worked and been featured with many mainstream media publications including and a host of others. The personality blended in with plenty of humor will shine through as he continues to highlight the pearls of the coming age of CBD oil.

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