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New KININ CBD + Aromatherapy Wellness Pods Comes in Six Essential Oil Blends



New KININ CBD + Aromatherapy Wellness Pods Comes in Six Essential Oil Blends
  • KININ offers six options, combining CBD with some of the traditional blends that KININ already offers.
  • All CBD used in these aromatherapy pods is 100% pure isolate.

Aromatherapy is a common way to create a relaxing ambiance, so why not add CBD to that environment. KININ has decided to do just that with a new line of CBD + Aromatherapy Wellness Pods, according to a press release from PR Newswire.

The new pods, which are meant to be used with the KININ Eco diffuser, offer a variation of six of the traditional aromatherapies blends that KININ already offers. All six options are infused with CBD isolate, which include:

  • KININ Recover
  • KININ Relax
  • KININ Focus
  • KININ Meditate
  • KININ Switch
  • KININ Sexy

Matt Harrigan, the CEO of KININ, stated that that the new product provides consumers with “the therapeutic combination of direct aromatherapy and cannabidiol in portable form.” This format allows consumers to bring along the aromatherapy wherever they may be inconspicuously. He added, “Combining essential oils with diffused CBD allows us to directly address mental and physiological states simultaneously.”

The concept of combining CBD and aromatherapy is almost a natural pairing, due to the entourage effect. Essential oils are no more than terpenes, or molecular compounds that are found in the plants that they are sourced from. CBD oil contains the terpenes of the hemp plant, and the combination of the two offers a grounding effect to consumers that is helpful in resolving joint pain, anxiety, and nausea.

When aromatherapy diffusers are used, the limbic system of the cerebrum is activated with olfactory senses. This part of the body is connected to various structures in the body that regulate emotions, memories, and motivations. The personal oil diffuser – KININ Eco – directly connects the vapor from the essential oils with the olfactory and limbic systems to get the greatest effect.

With the new line from KININ, consumers are provided with 100% pure isolated CBD in every pod, providing the same benefits that patients are given in the FDA-approved CBD that is used for childhood epilepsy. Consumers can visit and retailers that carry KININ products to purchase the pods and the diffuser.

Alexander G. Smith is an experienced researcher for both new health topics and science coverage. Being a seasoned Human Resources professional, his content writing skills have sharpened in the areas of workplace and business topics but loves to focus on wellness and natural alternatives here at TOC.

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