Marijuana Movement
List of Universities Creating Undergraduate and Graduate Programs to Form a Cannabis Industry Standard

To do anything really well, both knowledge and skill are required. When it comes to competitive industries, such as the cannabis industry, the more education one has, the more successful they can be. More importantly, the cannabis industry is surrounded with a lot of misinformation and considering it was illegal until recently, knowledge was hard to come by. With legalization, the doors have opened to information as well as newly developed educational programs.
Many are eager to learn and with cannabis having huge business potential, it is important for producers and companies to maintain a cutting edge. Universities have started creating both undergraduate and graduate programs to establish a standard for the cannabis industry. There are programs available across the US as well as online and so they are virtually accessible to everyone. The courses offered include business, regulations, extraction, horticulture, budtending certification, and a terpenes identification class.
The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
A new Master of Science (MS) program was launched in Medical Cannabis Science and Technology. The program is located at the Shady Grove campus in Rockville, MD. It is the first graduate program to cover scientific developments and medical applications of cannabis. It is being offered to physicians, nurses, researchers, and other health care professionals who already hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. The program lasts two years and is now accepting applications.
Clover Leaf University
This post-secondary institution is located in Denver, Colorado and their program centers around cannabis related phytotechnology and technical cannabis topics. Courses include cultivation, dispensary management, cannabis culinary, science and testing, extraction, and consulting – to name a few. The school is certified by the Colorado Department of Higher Education’s Private Occupational School Board and was established in 2009.
Oaksterdam University
This is the first cannabis college in America and is has approximately 40,000 alumni. It is located in Oakland, California. It provides students with a comprehensive cannabis education in horticulture and business. It also has a strong focus on student experience. Courses are available from beginner to expert and just as important as the courses are the networking opportunities available with established businesses and corporations.
THC University
This university offers online courses to its students and does not have a brick and mortar institution. The distance courses can therefore be taken anywhere across the globe or from the comfort of your own home. Courses include terpenes basics, budtender training, intro to cannabis, business, cultivation, and more.
These are only a few of the post-secondary programs being offered, and we are sure to see more pop-up in the near future. When choosing an institution, it is important to research not only the location, but what courses are being offered, the cost of the courses, and if those courses will support you in getting to where you want to go.