William T. Schmitt and Chad Thompson had submitted a ballot initiative to the Ohio Portage County Board of Elections. The purpose of the initiative was to...
American singer, rapper and songwriter among other music-related expertise, William Raymond Norwood Jr., known by the stage name, “Ray J”, has recently signed a million-dollar deal...
Tilray, Inc. is a Canada-based CBD company that describes itself on its website as a “global leader in cannabis research, cultivation, processing, and distribution.” The company...
It turns out that The Princeton Review’s annual college rankings come with an interesting twist: most and least cannabis consumption reports Ganjapreneur. That said, it was...
Cannabis is often considered as being able to alleviate anxiety. Most of the evidence is anecdotal – meaning, personal user experiences and reports. Thus, it is...
In a press release dated, Friday, August 8, cannabis and hemp-focused firm, Canopy Growth announced its partnership with cannabis distributor, Greenlane Holdings as an effort to...
Global leader in cultivating organic cannabis, The Green Organic Dutchman has officially submitted an application to get itself listed on NASDAQ, a dealer’s market reports Yahoo!...
Flavored iced tea, juice cocktails and energy drinks provider, AriZona Beverage Co. signs a licensing deal with THC and CBD-focused company Dixie Brands to start its...
Gallup took a survey of American citizens through a phone poll for the last two months. The poll showed that the majority of users used CBD...
Sailors in the Navy may be dishonorably discharged for taking any controlled substance that is not prescribed to them. The only products that sailors can use...