CBD News
New THC Eye Drops Created by University of Mississippi’s Marijuana Research Project

In a podcast by National Families in Action titled What Do I Need to Know About Marijuana, Dr. Mahmoud ElSohly, a pharmacologist at the University of Mississippi’s Marijuana Research Project, shared how the lab is using components of marijuana to aid glaucoma.
The discussion, which starts at 15:40 minutes into the podcast that can be listened to here, segues into ElSohly discussing Professor Hepler, and sharing that Harper was an ophthalmologist who noticed that some of his patients experiencing interocular pressure noticed a reduction in that pressure when smoking marijuana. Further, the pressure inside their eye had dropped. From that, the idea that marijuana may be good for glaucoma arose.
He does state, though, that treatment of glaucoma does not mean taking a track, such as smoking marijuana, that can impact one’s ability to function. As a result, eye drops were developed. The eye drop goes directly into the eye and lowers the pressure. He explains that he is developing a pharmaceutical product with THC, which is in eye drop form, that localizes into the eye. This way, other parts of the body are not impacted.
When asked whether the eye drop is being developed in the lab, he confirmed and that the eye drop has been licensed to a company that is beginning clinical trials. He also explained that this shows not what cannabis can do, but what its components can do. Although some states have laws on marijuana for medical use, marijuana is illegal under federal law.
All information is for general informational and educational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as legal or medical advice.