Medical Research
Medical Marijuana Research Programs Tapping into Medical Schools in Philadelphia

Agronomed Biologics LLC and MLH Explorations LLC are s tapping into the brainpower of medical schools in Philadelphia. The former will partner with Drexel University College of Medicine, while the latter will partner with Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University. The partnerships will be for research efforts.
Further, in Pennsylvania, the Department of Health approved a partnership between PA Optics for Wellness, a marijuana producer in Harrisburg, and Penn State College of Medicine. According to Kent Vrana, the Penn State College of Medicine’s Pharmacology department chair, the research will focus on medical marijuana patients who have chronic pain or cancer. He added, “We know there are reasons to believe marijuana may have beneficial effects. The trouble is, there hasn’t been high-quality clinical outcomes researchers to prove that.” Despite the state's medical marijuana program, marijuana is illegal under federal law.
All information is for general informational and educational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as legal or wellness advice.