Jamaica Plans a Scientific Research and Innovation Center for Medical Cannabis, Inspired by Dr. Ngwa’s Work

Earlier in July 2019, a group of researchers at Harvard Medicine University found that a cannabis-derived flavonoid drug called FBL-03G, was deemed as having potential in treating pancreatic cancer. The entirety of the project was led by one of the key researchers, Dr. Wilfred Ngwa. Ngwa’s efforts has now motivated Jamaica to take action reports Cannabis Business Times.
It turns out that Jamaica is working towards creating a medical cannabis research center, which will not only involve Ngwa, but also Dr. Henry Lowe and Dr. Julius Garvey. Interestingly, Ngwa’s work has garnered the attention of the Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries’ Minister, Audley Shaw, which is one of the supposed reasons for the research center (i.e. International Phytomedicines Institute).
The minister shared with news outlet, Jamaica Observer that Ngwa will be visiting the country to better understand the environment, climate and growing conditions as a result of the facility.
This move is expected to help increase Jamaica’s presence within the cannabis industry. Despite having legalized the plant in 2017, the country has yet to lift off because regulators have limited the number of cannabis business licenses; not to forget strict banking regulations, demand within the black market and others.
All that being said, Shaw sees hope in medical cannabis research, boasting about Dr. Lowe and others,
“who have developed plant-based medicines in Jamaica that are now world-renowned and are presently submitting more applications for further development […] to the Food and Drug Administration.”