Medical Research
CBD and MCT Oil: Importance of Medium-Chain Triglycerides as a Carrier Oil

Medium-chain triglycerides, also known as MCT, is a type of fat that is present in oils, such as coconut oil. Unlike long-chain triglycerides, medium-chain is metabolized in a manner that may promote a better energy source.
MTC are shorter than long-chain, which means that they may be able to metabolize faster. After they metabolize, they reach the liver through the blood and turn into ketones. In turn, the ketones act as an energy source, and they may be able to mitigate hunger as well.
According to MyNetDiary, there has been analysis of clinical research which reviewed 13 trials. The review determined that those who consumed MCTs, as opposed to those who did not, lost more body weight and experienced a minimized weight circumference and hip circumference. Another study published in the Journal of Lipid Research, determined that MCT may impact how carbohydrates are metabolized in the body, and they may also stipulate lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis.
In addition to potentially promoting weight loss, MCT oil may also have a positive impact on one’s cognition. A study published by the University of Wisconsin, Madison determined that MCT becomes ketones within a few minutes, which may work to provide the brain with benefits such as energy and mental clarity.
Another potential benefit of MCT oil is that it may improve gut health. One study found, “Dietary MCT, taken alone or with other supplements (such as prebiotics, probiotics, organic acids, etc.) could be used as anti-obesity interventions, in regards to their capacity to prevent intestinal permeability/endotoxemia by remodeling gut microbiota, and to prevent unhealthy storage by improving the lipid catabolism/anabolism balance.”
Finally, MCT can be a carrier agent of CBD. According to Ingredi,
“Carrier oils, also known as base oils, are used to dilute essential oils and ‘carry’ plant supplements for cosmetic and culinary applications. In the case of CBD, they help the body absorb the product better and also assist with dosing.”