New Vireo Health LiteBud Pre-Rolls Brand Offers Cannabis Users a Low-THC Experience

The multi-state, physician-led and science-focused cannabis company Vireo Health International has announced on Monday that it has launched LiteBud, a lower-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Pre-Roll product that is formulated very consistently and offers cannabis consumers a milder and more controlled experience. LiteBud pre-rolls are most likely going to be consumed much like the famous American light beers Bud Light and Coors Light, by people who want to experience their effects, yet not as intensely.
THC Potency Increased Four Times Since 1995
In the press release announcing the launch of LiteBud, Vireo sends to the University of Mississippi studies that reveal the THC potency has increased 4 times since 1995 when it was at only 4%. In 2008, the potency got to 8.9%, only to raise in 2017 to 17.1%. Nowadays, the flowers in products for medical and adult-use are being cultivated with the help of the most advanced techniques to have a higher potency of over 25%. The THC levels in LiteBud range from 4 to 10%, which is a lot lower than other cannabis products are offering. This is what Kyle Kingsley, M.D., the Chief Executive Officer at Vireo Health had to say about the LiteBud pre-rolls:
“Vireo is committed to creating innovative products that reflect the needs of all cannabis consumers. LiteBud offers patients a lower-THC product line with carefully controlled cannabinoid levels to help prevent the unpleasant side effects many experience with high-THC products. In a sense, this is your father's cannabis since its cannabinoid levels are more reminiscent of the type of flower that was widely used a generation or two ago.”
LiteBud Pre-Rolls Contain Slow-Cured Dry Flowers
The LiteBud pre-rolls are made from slow-cured dry flowers and with the help of a proprietary process so that they contain lower THC levels. They’re the first products in their category to be sold on the Maryland medical cannabis market, which is continuing to grow. Available now at Maryland dispensaries, and are planning to enter other important cannabis markets later this year.