CBD News
Twinlab Phytocannabinoids Full-Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil Promotes Clinical Strength Dose

It is no secret the human body is comprised of sensitive receptors known to interact with a variety of cannabinoids. To put it in a better perspective, cannabinoids are a group of chemical-like compounds that act indirectly and directly on cannabinoid receptors.Our bodies can synthesize their own natural cannabinoids – these are known as special endocannabinoids – designed to act on our cannabinoid receptors.
Coincidentally, cannabis and a variety of other plants also synthesize natural cannabinoids to interact with our internal receptors. These plant-produced cannabinoids are known as phytocannabinoids and are part of the cannabis most active ingredients. Other plant-related compounds such as flavonoids and terpenes are also involved in the interaction of the body and cannabis. That being said, it is the phytocannabinoids that are considered to be the major cornerstone of any medicinal value derived from cannabis.
This is the backdrop or background on which TWINLAB phytocannabinoids exerts its prowess. There are over 85 naturally occurring phytocannabinoids known to man and TWINLAB contains a good chunk of these.
A Few Benefits Phytocannabinoids In TWINLAB
The array of phytocannabinoids that can be found in this supplement transverses the realm of nature to give rise to an impressive array of beneficial health properties that are known for managing both physical pain and lessening inflammation. These compounds directly address some of the main underlying causes of inflammatory disorders and chronic pain. What's more, THC, which is one of the most important compound here has proven to be quite functional in suppressing vomiting and nausea while stimulating appetite.
Other documented beneficial uses for the THC contained in TWINLAB has been linked to aiding sleep, reducing the frequency/intensity of muscle spasms, managing severe glaucoma and boosting the health of the nervous system. Speaking of the human nervous system, the protection that THC elicits has put it at a vantage position as far as managing ADHD, autism, and post-stroke symptoms.
However that being said, THC just like any other naturally-occurring compound, has harmful side effects, particularly when you overindulge. These include paranoia and anxiety, increased appetite, dry eyes and mouth, dizziness, abnormal forgetfulness, low blood pressure, hallucinations, and potential sleepiness. Either way, these side effects are generally known to resolve themselves when the subject is taken off the medication and are clinically regarded as benign.
This side effect profile of the phytocannabinoids in TWINLAB is actually one of the major reasons why doctors will advice most of their patients to kick off medication with a very small dose – anywhere in the vicinity of 5 mg of pure THC per serving. After this, the user can gradually increase their dose depending, of course, on how well they can tolerate it. It is also important to note that some of the benefits of these phytocannabinoids are essentially the same as some of the notable side effects. And this is one of the best reasons why cannabis is regarded as the ultimate personalized and unique medicine.
TWINLAB phytocannabinoids also contain CBD. And over the last couple of years, CBD has garnered unprecedented popularity due to effectiveness in acting against cancer and epilepsy without necessarily having the euphoric ‘high' of THC, although it does induce anxiety relief and relaxation. Apart from eliminating or reducing the intensity of seizures while combating the growth and spread of tumor/cancer cells, CBD is also an excellent treatment for psychotic anxiety. Which, as a matter of fact, explains why TWINLAB can be a useful medication for managing mental illness.
In Conclusion
The concoction of the ingredients contained in TWINLAB is designed to support one's endocannabinoid system while at the same time promoting excellence in optimal wellness. Each serving here aid in the reduction of inflammation, recharging the body and mind and promoting relaxation and mental calmness.