Socati CBD Lineup of Broad and Full Spectrum Oils Gets USDA Organic Certification

The Socati Corp, a processor and supplier of hemp has received a USDA Organic certification for their CBD ingredients used in all of their full and broad spectrum oils, also for private label products, which includes gummies, tablets, capsules, softgels, tinctures and a crystallized flavored powders. This is a first in the world of non-THC cannabinoid commercial producers, says Socati. Mark Elfenbeing, the chief revenue officer for the company, thinks people will to begin to choose premium CBD products more often and will look for products with the USDA Organic certification. Here’s what he had to say about the Socati getting this certification:
“A lot of this was customer driven (requested by our customer base), until now there was not a USDA certified organic broad spectrum product available on the market for consumers.”
Blue Marble Biomaterials Acquired by Socati
Blue Mable Biomaterials, the global specialty compounds manufacturer, was last year acquired by Socati to scale its proprietary technology of extraction and processing for broad spectrum cannabis extract that doesn’t contain lab-detectable amounts of THC. While the industry of hemp-derived CBD supplements and foods is still struggling with regulations imposed by the FDA, Elfenbein wanted to mention that an USDA Organic certification gives CBD companies more credibility and builds consumer trust as far as the quality of their products goes.
What Does the Certification Involve?
The USDA Organic certification was given after a review on the operations at Socati had been completed. This review included the in-depth analysis of the company’s manufacturing records, which had to confirm product traceability and a stringent process, also an analysis of the credentials and credibility of suppliers in order to ensure the supply chain complies with the organic requirements. The Socati cannabinoid manufacturing facility based in Montana respects the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) requirements, not to mention it adheres to the manufacturing standards of the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) act. This and the USDA Organic certification confirm that Socati is serious about gaining the trust of its customers.