Food & Drinks
Smartcakes Plus Hemp CBD Products by Smart Baking Company

The Smart Baking Company is not your average bakeshop that sells standard, run-of-the-mill baked goods. This is a company that uses cannabidiol in its Smartcakes. The Sanford, FL-based baking company aims to provide cannabis consumers with healthier and smarter baked products. They commit themselves to empowering individuals to lead healthy and fun lives.
Smart Baking Company uses only high-quality CBD in the creation of its SmartCakes. It also employs the services of a third-party laboratory to guarantee the safety and quality of its baked goods. They believe that healthy eating should go beyond gluten-free and strives to provide the world with nutrient-dense, delicious, affordable non-GMO foods for a more fun way of leading healthy lives.
The company currently has two products: the Smartbun and the Smartcake. From their product line, only the Smartcake contains Hemp CBD. Smart Baking products are gluten-free and do not contain GMO ingredients or sugars. This is good news for individuals with poor control of blood sugar.
Smartbuns and Smartcakes are made with olive oil, typically rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that can be helpful in lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, Smart Baking products use flax meal, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. Flax meal has one of the highest concentrations of lignans in the plant kingdom.
Smartbuns contain more protein than Smartcakes. Each bun contains 10 grams of protein compared to the cake’s 4-gram protein content. Smart Baking Company uses both eggs and whey protein to provide consumers with proper protein content.
In addition to these ingredients, SmartCakes also contain 25 milligrams of hemp-infused CBD extract. This further improves the health benefits that its baked products provide.