New Social CBD NaturallyNicer Gummies Launch in Broad Spectrum Form

Popular CBD product brand Social CBD, whose products are well known for purity, potency and purity tested are launching an all new 100% plant-based gummy called #NaturallyNicer CBD, which may just help you stay on the path to a healthy way of life and enjoy all of the benefits of CBD at the same time.
The SocialCBD #NaturallyNicer gummies come saturated in natural fruit juices and offer 3 different flavor profiles, which include Peach Mango, Red Raspberry, and Lemon. There are 10 gummies per pouch, with one serving containing 25mg of CBD, the packaging is also resealable so users can take the gummies along with them as a convenient on-the-go benefit.
#NaturallyNicer gummies are THC free and made with a broad spectrum-CBD, and put through a rigorous high testing standard, testing all their products for almost 60 unwanted residual contaminants and 30 various pesticides, then 3rd party re-tested once again. Broad-spectrum quality means that the CBD contains all of the terpenes, cannabinoids, and fatty-acids that can provide users with beneficial qualities.
#NaturallyNicer gummies retail at $14.99 and ship to almost every state in the US. The new plant-based SocialCBD gummies are made with all natural flavors, and made with several high quality standards.