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Hemp is Setting the Stage to Become the Darling of the Plant World For Its Multi-Purpose Use Cases



Hemp is Setting the Stage to Become the Darling of the Plant World For Its Multi-Purpose Use Cases

A New York Times article, titled CBD Is Wildly Popular. Disputes Over Its Legality Are a Growing Source of Tension, highlights the clash between the popularity and regulation of marijuana. Despite the regulations and questions concerning legality, though, hemp is still on its way to becoming a major crop.

According to Cannabis Reports, hemp can be used in a range of products. For instance, it can be used in human food, pet and food bedding, body oils and lotions, oil based products, clothing, plastic, paper, construction materials, and even fuel.

The wide-array of uses make hemp applicable for many different industries. As a result, it may be safe to say that due to its applicability and popularity, hemp may be well on its way to becoming a major crop. The 2018 U.S. Hemp Crop Report, released a few months ago, identifies the expansion of hemp cultivation. The report identifies states such as Colorado, North Carolina, North Dakota, and Oregon as just a few with significant hemp cultivation.

Erica Steenstra, the president of Vote Hemp, commented on the report to Nebraska KTIC Radio News, stating

“We’ve seen hemp cultivation significantly expand in the U.S. in 2018, with over triple the number of acres planted in hemp compared to last year and the addition of 4 more states with hemp programs. Now that we have lifted federal prohibition on hemp farming, it’s time to invest our energy in expanding hemp cultivation and the market for hemp products across the country so that all can reap the benefits of this versatile, historic American crop.”

Joe personifies dedication in writing and when you read his unique, well-researched content this will become very clear. With a passion for social and environmental issues, and first-hand experience with over 40 years experience in business, finance, and marketing, we are honored to have his CBD and cannabis insights and contributions. Mr. Mielcarek is semi-retired, so he finds joy in digging deep to sift through the facts to deliver a well polished and professionally packaged article for readers to consume, digest and understand.

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