Medical Research
HempFusion Partakes in ValidCare CBD Study Research on Human Liver Health

HempFusion has announced that it will soon participate and sponsor a special scientific study on ValidCare. The study will deal with pertinent questions, based on CBD products, which previously were raised on a Food and Drug Administration forum.
Indeed, ValidCare will conduct a study revolving on human trial, to determine if the regular use of CBD or the full-spectrum- based CBD isolate, can have adverse consequences on the human liver. HempFusion is among the ten reputable CBD companies that offered to participate and sponsor the ground-breaking study by ValidCare. ValidCare CEO, Patrick McCarthy recently stated:
“We are most excited that a reputable company like HempFusion has come out to be among the respected companies that will be participating in this important study. We are pleased to note that this company has a good track record in the virtues of regulatory compliance, consumer safety standards, and progressive leadership ideals.”
“This study is particularly unique since we are absorbing real-world consumer evidence that revolves around how consumers use CBD products, and how this affects their bodies and overall health. Moreover, we are particularly interested in how the consumption of CBD products essentially impacts on the human liver; yes, our business is primarily liver safety. It is our conviction that this kind of evidence is essential to the FDA, and that it can be utilized to shape the overall future policy.”
The Study Will Impact Future Policy
ValidCare says the study schedule might commence at the end of the year 2020 and that the aim is to complete the matter by the end of the year. It is expected that the data generated from the companies that conduct the study will address the FDA’s questions on CBD products. This scientific data is primarily considered as a third-party. The co-CEO of HempFusion, Jason Mitchell, concludes:
“We are truly proud that we are participants in the seminal study by ValidCare. We are happy that we have the privilege to assist in CBD-based scientific research and its advancement. Indeed, our company is established on the premise of consumer safety and regulatory compliance. Thus, by taking part in the study, we hope to establish the reputation of HempFusion as a global industry leader in matters to do with CBD.”