CBD News
Global Cannabis Partnership (GCP) Gains Support from Canopy Growth, Cronos, TGOWF and Aphria

The initiative of the Global Cannabis Partnership (GCP) to develop a socially responsible and environment-friendly cannabis industry is starting to attract companies to its charter. In the second World Cannabis Congress, the GCP has called on companies to support the move.
Some of the GCP members include The Green Organic Dutchman, Aphria, Cronos, and Canopy Growth which are all leading players in North America – specifically Canada. Unlike in Canada, marijuana is illegal in the United States under federal law.
A Responsible Cannabis Industry
According to GCP’s Executive Director, Kim Wilson,
“We’re building an industry for the future. It’s one thing to have a legal license to operate; earning and keeping a social license is another story. We have a long road ahead of us, but today’s announcement is an important step in the right direction.”
This is further supported by Rick Petersen, a leading corporate responsibility expert and main author of the Framework by stating that the approach aims to only use best practices in the industry and in like-industries.
“The RCF was developed through extensive research and consultation with a variety of stakeholders. We knew that we could rely on the experience of other industries, while at the same time ciming up with the right steps to meet the challenges in our specific sector.”
Implementing Ethical Conduct
To properly implement the initiative, all RCP members are required to sign four guiding principles – responsibility, collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement. Each comes with a certification and each company is given a year to get certified in those categories.
Part of the membership requirements also include proof of the following: promotion of responsible use of CBD products, reinforcing ethical conduct in the company, and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.
Wilson voiced out the response of the companies in the conference as “very positive”. She goes on to say that
“Whether they are CEOs, regulators, new entrants to the space or consumers, all recognize that by working together we’re in a unique position to set a new bar for socially responsible practices”
The GCP is a non-profit collaboration of leaders in the government-sanctioned cannabis industry. This was founded by Revolution Strategy.
All information is for general informational and educational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as legal or wellness advice.