CBD News
Costa Rican Ministry of Health Issues First CBD Oil Registry

As the CBD industry continues to grow, the ministry of health issued a CBD oil registry in Costa Rica in July early this year. Having been the first registry in the country, it marks the launch of medicinal marijuana and hemp in Costa Rica and Central America at large.
The issue of that registry opens windows of business opportunities for companies interested in supplying cannabis and hemp products in Central America. Having followed all these events closely, Costa Rica Ministry of Health has prepared a team with experience in IP, brands, and sanitary registries obligatory by our international and local clients.
Congress is still revising the bill that will see the facilitation of the medicinal marijuana and hemp industry in the country in Costa Rica. Ones passed, the bill will give way to companies willing to export and import finished marijuana products.
Medicinal marijuana and hemp industry are beginning to develop in the Central American region. This new industry will help improve the economy through the creation of jobs and development of new infrastructures. The country might also witness an increase in revenue collected from taxes. Consumers will get access to high-quality CBD products that will help improve their health and lives.