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Clark University Reveals New ‘Certificate in Regulatory Affairs for Cannabis Control’



Clark University Reveals New 'Certificate in Regulatory Affairs for Cannabis Control'

With the emergence of any industry into the economy of the United States, the support of educational institutions is absolutely essential. The trillions of dollars allocated globally to the American educational research infrastructure makes it an unrivaled force in experimentation, explanation, and innovation in many different sectors. For the cannabis industry, this truth is even more evident. Cannabis companies are always looking for new ways to make their product stand out from others, and the research capabilities of professionals in the educational space help to set the groundwork for important discoveries that could change the sector forever.

But one university in Worcester, Clark University, is opening up an entirely new type of cannabis university program. Clark recently announced its intention to open a new “Certificate in Regulatory Affairs for Cannabis Control.” The program will become available later this Fall, and will allow undergraduate students to specialize in the public policy and legal issues which continue to affect the growing American cannabis industry. According to university officials, this new program responds to a research issue which is “being largely underserved” by the academic infrastructure of 2019.

Program Marketing

Interestingly enough, leaders at Clark University emphasized that the program targets public officials and workers in the cannabis sector, making it an education degree with a heavy professional emphasis. This is not uncommon for Clark, which has a reputation for its prestigious professional degrees and preparation programs.

Additionally, founders of the program highlighted that its professors will make an exemplary effort to “cut through” much of the bias and misleading information which permeates the industry. This is a major asset for consumers looking to further their education in the realities of marijuana public policies. Even in Clark’s home state of Massachusetts, public understanding of marijuana law remains exceedingly low. According to leaders at the university, the core mission of the educational institution’s new program will be to foster a basis for understanding of pressing issues, to equip students will the tools to advocate for change, and to begin to inform the public.

Industry Ramifications

Impacts for the American cannabis industry are serious. While programs exist all over the country specializing in the economics or agricultural impact of cannabis and the cannabis industry, a specific education emphasizing the policy implications of the emerging sector is both an important asset and a mark of growth. The cannabis industry is here to stay—and the new generation of Clark students are ready to give it the attention it deserves.

Andie Francese is a professional content consultant living in New York. In her copywriting career, as the leader of a group of award-winning journalists, Andrea was always gifted in organizing and optimizing teams of all sizes into creating and crafting valuable guides and insightful information into the topics presented to her acclaimed status. TOC is very excited to have her as part of our growing team.

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