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CBD Skincare Interest is Rising Fast: What’s the Future of Cannabidiol for Skin Health Look Like?



CBD Skincare Interest is Rising Fast

Since cannabidiol (CBD) was reintroduced as having potential health benefits, the areas that it appears to excel in include pain relief, reduction in anxiousness and attaining a calmer self. The key property in making the previously mentioned benefits a possibility is CBD’s ability to rid inflammation.

As the industry continues to mature, more and more skincare solutions are being infused with CBD and other cannabis’ compounds. With this in mind, curiosity is surely enticed, as consumers now have to assess its true effectiveness.

In a recent post shared by CBD Snapshot, the overall potential of CBD has been explained with respect to skincare. Turns out, it does in fact make a positive difference, however, consumers have been warned to be cautious of their resources.

CBD’s Anti-Inflammatory Properties Creates a Win-win Situation Once Again!

The news outlet referenced a board-certified dermatologist, who argued for the use of CBD for skin health. According to Dr. Jeanette, CBD can be effective in both beauty and skin care because of the very same anti-inflammatory properties that initially helped it to secure a spotlight.

Here’s an extract as to why the latter is so:

“Cannabinoid receptors have been discovered in keratinocytes, or skin cells, and other parts of the skin such as the sebaceous glands, hair follicles, small nerves and immune cells. CBD works on them as part of the skin’s endocannabinoid system.”

Dr. Robert Dellavalle, University of Colorado School of Medicine’s dermatology professor and a co-author of the 2017 study, has noticed how quickly the CBD industry has been developing and is somewhat fearful of consumers’ belief that all skin conditions can be resolved with its use. However, he does not question its general potential, adding that, “I think there’s a lot of promise.”

Endless Benefits of CBD Use

Some of the key benefits that arise from the use of CBD for skin purposes include the riddance of skin irritations and diseases. This is allegedly a result of the cannabinoid’s rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Based on the claims made by another board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Tsippora Shainhouse, CBD can reverse signs of damaged skin, most of which are associated with aging. Individuals with sensitive skin have been advised to use CBD products including alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids, which eliminate skin dullness, while inducing new skin cells production.

CBD Quality: Benefits Versus Simple “Gimmicks”

Given the numerous benefits outlined, consumers should still be cautious of their choices. Again, not all CBD products are made equally, which implies that the benefits may not always be entirely there.

Allure’s Digital Wellness Editor, Rosemary Donahue notes that at the end of the day,

“It’s just going to be up to the consumer to make smart decisions about companies they want to support […] Personally, I look for products that are sourced as ethically as possible […] rather than just as an added gimmick.”

Alex Ramsteen plugs his content writing microphone in all the way from Kenya and has been a professional writer for over a handful of year nearing a decade soon. While the skill of writing is apparent naturally, TOC is delighted to leverage Alex’s strengths into an array of interests including technology, science, fitness, yoga, meditation, traveling, electronics, reading and more.

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