CBD News
CBD Litigation On The Rise Due To CBD Dosage Potency Amounts Being Falsified

It appears that litigation concerning CBD products is increasing, and some such lawsuits have to do with the amount of CBD that is found in a product, compared to the quantity stated on the label.
In August, a proposed class-action complaint was filed by Jesse S. Gaddis, alleging that Just Brands USA Inc., Just Brands FL LLC, and SSGI Financial Services allegedly breaching the implied warranty of merchantability and express warranty. He further alleges that the products he purchased were advised to have 100 milligrams of CBD, when the product was only tested to have 48.92 milligrams. This is just one of many such lawsuits.
Another proposed class action was filed by a consumer against Global Widget LLC, doing business as Hemp Bombs, alleging that the company grossly under-dosed the quantity of CBD in its formulas. The consumer further alleges that the brand makes false and misleading claims on its product labels and website concerning the potency of its CBD products. And that he consumer purchased the products relying on the representation.
The Cannabis Industry Journal highlights the issue of labeling well. It indicates manufacturers should focus on creating meaningful and correct labels concerning the potential detrimental effects of their products and to not use the terms all natural loosely. The area of class action lawsuits against CBD companies appears to be heating up. By taking preventative measures, such as labeling correctly and ensuring that the amount of CBD in the product matches the label, companies may be able to mitigate their risks.