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Halloween Warnings Circulate on THC-Packed Cannabis Gummy Bear Edibles and Candies



Halloween Warnings Circulate on THC-Packed Cannabis Gummy Bear Edibles and Candies

Tis the season and month of Halloween. As October continues, as with every year, it is important to take careful consideration regarding the candy in children’s goodie bag when going trick-and-treating.

One type of candy that parents should particularly be aware of is cannabis oil-infused edibles containing THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. Many cannabis companies make candy that appear like traditional candy, which can make it difficult to differentiate from the CBD-free candy in their children’s candy collection.

If an accident does happen, though, and a child does eat a cannabis-infused candy or edible, there are steps that parents can take as a sort of best practices if a young child consumes THC, the active ingredient responsible for creating the notorious high.

For example, in a recent report by the Toronto Sun, Dr. Jean E. Klig from Mass General Hospital for Children, shared with the publication that parental awareness is the key when it comes to treating children who have been exposed to cannabis indigestibles. Parents should be aware of the signs of cannabis exposure and seek medical attention for their child if they find their kid has been exposed. The doctor added:

“In a time when more cannabis is more widely available overall, emergency medicine physicians should remain vigilant for acute presentations of cannabis exposure in pediatric patients,” […] “All cases of accidental cannabis exposure in children should be evaluated by child protection services.”

According to the article, over $1.7 million worth of confiscated cannabis from a local Toronoto dispensary found many edibles that were very difficult to decipher the difference between kid's candy and cannabis-infused candy.

Children who are exposed to cannabis face risks. For example, one study featuring 43 children in Colorado, children from ages 1 month to 2 years were hospitalized with bronchitis. The children’s urine samples were sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the test detected that the children had low levels of marijuana metabolites.

So while putting on masks and dressing up in costumes is all fun in games, the sweet sugar rush won't be as enjoyable when a young minor experience accidental ingestion of THC-edibles, and even a CBD product containing THC. That being said, you have been warned, and as the legalization of cannabis products becomes mainstream, be mindful during this year's trick-and-treat cycle.

Phelistus Komu is esteemed contributor and expert writer with over a decade of experience in writing about health and legal topics. She received her Bachelor of Laws from Makerere University in 2007 from Rwanda.  While her main focuses are health, family and legal matters, she believes everything is possible with a willing and believing heart.  

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