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We The People CBD: Are WTP Hemp Products Safe?

We The People Hemp Offers CBD Tinctures and Gummies Claiming 97% Bioavailability
We The People Hemp offers the true power of CBD without the psychoactive effects. Products include CBD oil, gummy bears with 600mg of CBD isolate, CBD isolate capsules, and CBD cream with 300mg of CBD isolate. We The People Hemp offers calm for your mind and enjoyment for your life. The reason why their products are so effective is because of the high-quality of the CBD oil and the technology used to increase its bioavailability to the body. Their oils, gummies, capsules and cream are made using water-soluble nanoemulsion technology.
The water-soluble CBD droplets in these products are between four to 200 times smaller than the industry standard causing them to be more easily absorbed into the bloodstream. This high bioavailability is not only more effective, but also more economical. Customers will receive the same results from a much smaller amount versus what they would normally receive from competitors. Their high-quality extends to their products and process including their customer service, wholesale retailers, and all bulk CBD purchases.
Their tinctures have a fast-acting CBD with 97% bioavailability. Their CBD offers fast absorption in easy to use tinctures. Their CBD gummy bears offer 20mg of CBD in every great tasting gummy. This makes their gummies the perfect way to take your CBD throughout the day. To explore their lab results, click on each product and the results are available beneath the product image.
We The People tinctures are available in one bottle, three bottle, or five bottle options. Each bottle contains 250mg of CBD and is offered at $74.99. When you purchase the three-bottle option, you pay for two bottles at $149.99 and receive the third bottle free. If you select their five-bottle option, you pay for three bottles at $224.99 and receive two bottles free. They also offer CBD gummies in bottles of 30 gummies containing 300mg of CBD. The gummy bear bottle is available at $99.95 per bottle. The company stands by their products offering a 30-day money back guarantee. Free shipping is offered on order over $75 in the US.
We The People’s website offers a convenient online shop as well as a blog offering cannabis education and news. In addition to their online shop, they offer a FAQ section responding to inquiries regarding delivery, payment, and the online shop. For further information regarding their products or process, you can send them an email via their contact us page. Subscribe to their newsletter for special alerts and discounts. To place an order or to browse their online shop, visit