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Organic Gold CBD: New Hemp Oil Launches, But Is It Any Good?

What Is Organic Gold CBD Oil?
The Organic Gold CBD is a full-spectrum hemp-derived cannabidiol product naturally formulated in the US and is promoted to use it for pain relief, anxiety, sleeping disorders and an improved overall health. While there are no third-party studies on it and its effects, it’s recommended by many doctors across the US, says the website selling it. However, before purchasing this CBD oil, it would be a good idea to contact the manufacturer through the contact page and to ask more questions about its certificate of analysis and perhaps the company that makes it as the doctors listed on the salespage are not directly affiliated with this new CBD brand.
There’s a Trial
Advertised with a free trial, the Organic Gold CBD Oil should bring about all the health benefits of CBD, such as reducing headaches, promoting a more relaxing sleep, relieving chronic pain, supporting the cognitive function, supporting joint health and reducing blood sugar levels, all while fighting anxiety and improving the immune system.
What’s odd about the mentioned trial is that no details on it are being provided. Is it a free trial? Or perhaps it is a money-back guarantee one. Either way, it’s once again advised to contact the company selling the oil in order to find out more what this trial is all about. In fact, upon further research some of the terms are outlined in the fine print but are not accessible on the order page unless you click the very bottom terms link that states:
“By placing your order today you'll be shipped a 30 day trial supply for only the shipping cost of $6.91 and $6.85. This gives you the opportunity to try this remarkable product so you can come to a decision for yourself if this is the right product for you. If you are dissatisfied with the product, you must call 866-866-5960 within 14 days trial from the day of order to cancel the membership and avoid being charged of the product price of $89.95 and $89.91, which is the full price of the products. If you are satisfied with the product, you need do nothing else and upon the expiration of the 14 day trial period, you will be billed $89.95 and $89.91. Thirty days after your trial period ends and every thirty days thereafter, we will send you a fresh monthly supply at the low price of $89.95 and $89.91 + shipping of $6.91 and $6.85 per bottle until you cancel your membership.”
Many of the best CBD oils in the industry do not come with a free trial option so be sure to know this is exactly what an order entails and means for the consumer.
Organic Gold CBD Oil Reviews from Consumers
What’s great about the Organic Gold CBD Oil is that it has been reviewed by people who have consumed it to be very efficient. It’s also mentioned that it works as seen in the media, on CNN, in Time, on NBC or in The Doctors, yet it should be noted that not the actual product has been discussed by these publications and televisions, but the CBD as an ingredient. Since the Organic Gold CBD Oil provides 300mg of CBD, it’s very likely to deliver the health benefits of this compound without any problem and very rapidly, so it should be given a try.
Consumers who are interested in Organic Gold CBD should reach out to the company first before ordering to ensure clarity on the following trial, certificate of analysis and company information. There was no email listed on the website but did list a phone number of 866-866-5960 to reach out and contact the company who makes and sells Organic Gold CBD.