New Privy Peach CBD Sexual Health and Wellness Products Launch

Privy Peach has been creating CBD products essential for enhancing sexual health and relieving stress since 2018. The company has plans to release new CBD products starting this month. As per 2019 statistical evaluations, the sexual wellness market value stands at $74,770 million. Further market research predictions suggest the value will hit $108,320 million by 2027. CBD Lubricants have become the talk of the day, and that’s because they are effective.
Privy Peach’s founder Kim Koehler confirms her fulfillment with the newly released Hydro Glide Intimate Serums, one of which boasts extra-potency in sexual sensation. It’s superior to similar products in the market, including Privy Peach’s oil-packed Erotic oil. The second one relieves discomfort and chronic pain without affecting your level of pleasure during sex.
She says that she has worked with formulators and chemists over the last three years to create a unique all-natural water-based CBD formula containing no synthetic or sugary ingredients such as propylene glycol or glycerin common with other intimate products and lubricants. She struggled to try to blend natural water-based products using oil-based extracts. But after she discovered Nano-technology, it became easier to isolate CBD molecules and create the best condom-safe product.
The company has plans to introduce a new assortment of CBD-infused body and bath products. These will include but won’t be limited to 4 new CBD-infused bath bombs, all-natural CBD lotions, and CBD lip butter, intended to be shipped before the holidays. Privy Peach aims to make your holiday stress-free but with more sex.