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New Brightfield Group Report Shows Nearly Half of Pet Owners Prefer CBD Treatments Over Rx



48% of Pet Owners Prefer CBD Treatments Over Rx

A study conducted by the Brightfield Group and that was focused solely on the pet CBD industry has revealed that 48% of pet owners choose CBD treatments over Rx. Brightfield is a cannabis and hemp industry research company from Chicago, Illinois. It’s a sure thing that the CBD marketplace has been going very well for some time now, but Brightfield found out that pet CBD is a category that’s developing incredibly fast.

Natural Remedies for Pets

The study was performed because there was no data on how and the reasons why consumers are using CBD as therapy for their pets. This is what Kay Tamillow, the Research Director at Brightfield said about its results:

“The combination of anti-pharma sentiment, increased use of natural remedies, and overall affection owners have for their pets has led to pet CBD growing very quickly. We found that 93% of total respondents agree that their pet is an important part of their family.”

A Very Complex Report

Called the Pet CBD Market Report, the Brightfield research covers the general feeling of consumers when it comes to treating their pets and how CBD treatments can be purchased. It also provides an insight into the market sizes for the following 5 years, into the distribution channels and the development in different product categories. More than this, it presents the top pet CBD providers. As the report notes, the pet CBD industry is expected to reach $1.7 billion by 2025, seeing more clinical data will come up and veterinarians will recommend CBD products where appropriate.

Pet CBDs Have Many Applications

According to the research, 64% of the people who have pets use CBD products to help their cute friends no longer be anxious or stressed, which is the same reason why human consumers use them. Aside from reducing anxiety, pet CDB treatments are being administered for improving the mood and dealing with pain or with arthritis. Here’s what the reports notes further:

“As with human CBD use, a smaller number of consumers are also looking to treat more specific ailments such as seizures, allergies, and skin conditions.”

Cheryl Anne hails from Great Britain and casts a large shadow with her master’s degree in Relationship Therapy as well as a number of other professional accreditations. While she specializes in psychological thrillers and self-help books, her undeniable and uncanny knack for sifting through the cracks of the cannabis and CBD space are extremely necessary and sought after.

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