Cannabis News
Lawmakers in Pennsylvania Seek Medical Marijuana Legalization Push

Representative Jake Wheatly, Jr. issued a joint memo looking for support of a house bill. He described the memo as “the most comprehensive legalization legislation to date.”
Wheatly added, “Pennsylvanians have spoken. They recognize the once ugly stigma of cannabis is now just a part of history and want the commonwealth to move into the future. We can take a step toward the future with the passage of any legislation.”
The state’s senate is becoming quite heated as well. This week, Senator Daylin Leach uploaded a photograph of himself and others working on the final edits on a bill that would legalize adult-use. He wrote that he has been working with others, “focusing on this for months and will soon unveil what we think will be the best, most progressive and just bill in the nation.”
There is no certainty as to how the state’s republicans will vote on the bill. On the republican side, Governor Tom Wolf stated,
“More and more states are successfully implementing marijuana legalization, and we need to keep learning from their efforts. Any change would take legislation. But I think it is time for Pennsylvania to take a serious and honest look at recreational marijuana.” He continued, “More and more states are successfully implementing marijuana legalization, and we need to keep learning from their efforts. Any change would take legislation. But I think it is time for Pennsylvania to take a serious and honest look at recreational marijuana.”
Wolf also stated that he takes the position of a realist, and pointed out that it is likely that other states, such as New Jersey and New York, will be legalizing marijuana. He added, “We can’t just duck our heads in the sand and say that things aren’t happening.” Marijuana is illegal under Pennsylvania and federal law.
All information is for general informational and educational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as legal or wellness advice.