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Dunedin Study Reveals the Long-Term Effects of Early Marijuana Use



Dunedin Study Reveals the Long-Term Effects of Early Marijuana Use

Dunedin study has the world’s finest data on the use of marijuana on a long-term basis. It has tracked over 1000 people in New Zealand for approximately 50 years.

According to the director of the Dunedin study, Prof. Richie Poulton, if you start using marijuana in your adolescence age and become persistent in doing it, chances of developing challenges are high.

“During this stage, the brain is undergoing a lot of changes, and it is, therefore, likely to be highly sensitive to THC.”

The study shows that if you begin to use marijuana regularly in your adolescence years, by the time you are 38 years your IQ will have reduced by 8 points

 According to Richie, regular use of marijuana results in high chances of developing psychosis. He told Patrick Gower, Newshub’s correspondent; “when you begin using cannabis in your mid-adolescence, your chances of becoming psychotic by the time you hit twenties increases by 11 times. This is usually when you have specific genetic makeup.”

According to Professor Joseph Boden, the director of the Christchurch Health and Development Study, there are crucial arising issues among them being “motivational syndrome.”

Motivational syndrome means that when you start using marijuana heavily at a tender age, you are not likely to meet your academic qualifications. It is expected that you might take long before securing yourself decent employment and might end up being welfare-dependent.


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