Colgate Acquired Hello Products, Launches CBD Oral Care Toothpastes and Mouthwashes

On January 23, 2020, Colgate announced its plans to acquire Hello Products, where the final deal is anticipated to close by February 2020. At the time of the announcement, President and CEO of Colgate, Noel Wallace expressed excitement in welcoming Hello to the Colgate team, further emphasizing that founder, Craig Dubitsky and CEO Lauri Kien Kotcher of Hello will both continue their leadership roles.
The reason for acquiring Hello supposedly rested in the mere fact that both companies were like-minded in the contribution they wanted to have within the oral sector, not to forget within every consumers’ household. That said, Hello Products has been viewed as very courageous because they are open to new ideas. This led them to become the first to launch a whole line of hemp seed oils.
According to the reportings of CosmeticsDesign, a month from the acquisition has passed and now, Hello Products has officially launched a CBD line of oral care products. Products offered include fluoride and fluoride-free toothpastes, fluoride-free charcoal toothpaste, CBD mouthwash with and without charcoal and CBD lip balms.
Speaking in regard to this accomplishment is Dubitsky, who boasted the firm for being innovative in their choice of ingredients. He further said:
“It’s an incredibly exciting time for Hello and this new collection is a really fun and engaging way to expand our product portfolio.”
He also highlighted that the company originally started off as an oral care company only to evolve into a “friendly personal care company.” Moving forward, they expect to offer a wide range of products that are naturally friendly and tasty.