CBD News
CBD For Muscle Pain: How Cannabidiol Works To Relieve Bodily Aches

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of 110 cannabinoids housed within the cannabis plant. It is one of the largest types that exist and is commonly extracted from hemp. To date, research suggests that CBD can be effective in treating epilepsy, preventing cancer cells growth, and aiding with pain. Given that muscle pain is a usual issue among consumers, here’s what consumers need to know about the use of CBD for muscle relief.
The following will expound on CBD’s properties, how it communicates with the endocannabinoid system, causes of muscle pain and the relationship between CBD and muscle pain among other interesting facts.
What Are The Characteristics of CBD?
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, CBD is a phytocannabinoid that is free of psychoactive properties. Some of its notable characteristics that define the hemp-derived cannabinoid include analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antineoplastic and chemopreventive properties.
How Does the Human Body Respond to CBD?
The human body naturally houses a cannabis-focused system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). As per Health Line, this system’s primary role entails regulating a number of health aspects including one’s sleep, mood, appetite, memory and reproduction to name a fraction.
In general, consumers need to know that the ECS has two types of endocannabinoids and receptors including anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglyerol (2-AG) and CB1 and CB2 receptors.
That said, THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol (i.e. mind-altering property), is believed to interact with both CB1 and CB2 receptors. The exact cannot be precisely assumed in the case of CBD.
To be more specific, CBD has “little affinity for these receptors and acts as a partial antagonist CB1 and as a weak inverse CB2 agonist,” with researchers still trying to figure out how the body is accepting it likes. However, consumers can be reassured that CBD does in fact interact with the body’s ECS.
What Are Common Causes of Muscle Pain?
Muscle soreness is a result of the stress placed on muscles upon doing any level of physical activity. Those associated with exercising are also referred to as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), which is deemed fairly normal. However, other forms of muscle pain that exist can be due to health concerns as per CBD Testers, unveiling them as being anything from injuries, infections and cramps to arthritis and muscle cramps. To read more: (https://cbdtesters.co/2019/08/15/is-cbd-a-viable-treatment-for-muscle-pain/)
What Can Be Said About CBD’s Ability to Rid Muscle Soreness?
One immediate reaction that consumers may have to this question is that CBD’s natural anti-inflammatory properties are the ones to tend to muscle pain, ultimately ridding such discomfort altogether. However, it has been argued that muscle relief can be achieved in a number of ways both directly and indirectly.
For starters, CBD Testers reported of a study done for Frontiers, a health journal, which showed that CBD was effective in aiding with multiple sclerosis patients’ immobility. That said, it has been debated that because the latter entails bodily nerves, any nerve-related pain may also benefit from its uses.
Getting back to inflammation target, CBD’s said properties are deemed impactful in increasing flexibility in one’s muscles and joints, which in turn leads to increased recovery.
Last, but not least, ensuring that consumers get the required hours of sleep is vital, as this period is the time in which the body tends to injuries and aches for optimal performance the following day.
Which CBD Delivery System Should One Consider For Optimal Relief?
Given the different delivery systems of CBD, i.e. oils, vaping, edibles, etc., a 2018 study argued that the use of transdermal solutions is advantageous. In particular, it was reasoned that:
“Although comparable to oral-dosage forms in terms of efficacy […] transdermal administration avoids the first-pass metabolism effect that is associated with the oral route and thus improves the drugs bioavailability,” adding that this option, “allows a steady infusion of a drug to be delivered over a prolonged period of time, while also minimizing the adverse effects of higher drug peak concentrations, which can improve patient adherence.”
If consumers were to go about the transdermal approach, this will allow the skin to reap in the CBD contents immediately into the bloodstream. Topical solutions are also preferred for the sole reason of direct application. Compared to oils, which take time to kick in as it is delivered all throughout the body, topical solutions target specific regions.
Final Thoughts
All-in-all, CBD is trusted to have a significant difference in improving muscle pain because of its anti-inflammatory properties. While the overall details regarding how this is achieved remains uncertain, as the specific interaction with the ECS is still unclear, many studies have since shown its ability to rid inflammation. That said, CBD can make a difference on other factors including proper sleep, restfulness and a stress-free self – all of which tie in with muscles relief.
As for its application, consumers are advised to stick to topicals and transdermal deliveries, as they focus more on targeted relief versus full body relief. Following the instructions as listed is the best way to go about it and if any doubts persist, getting external help especially from a health professional could make a difference.