Cannabis News
Because Diaper Company For Adults To Launch CBD Products For Pain And Sleeplessness In Senior Citizens

- Because is a brand of adult diapers for seniors with many variations for the perfect fit.
- The creators are working to launch CBD products for pain relief and improved sleep.
Alexi Suvacioglu and Luca Gualco are the founders of an adult diaper business called Because, which was launched two years ago. Their goal was to ultimately offer a more discreet way for individuals to deal with incontinence, rather than dealing with leaks, a poor fit, or a cumbersome package. There are 16 options with different sizes and absorbencies, and the products are delivered to the user’s home. This project has made it possible to sell 55 million units.
The company has managed to secure over $35 million in funding through investments involving Khosla Ventures, Index Ventures, and Innovation Endeavors. The website is full of positive reviews, and the company is to offer much more to their senior customers, like cannabis-based gels, tinctures, gummies, sprays, and other remedies for pain and sleeplessness, according to an article with Fast Company.
All of these new cannabis-based products will offer a relatively low dose, though the largest option is in a 1,000-milligram bottle. The company plans to price these products no higher than $76, with the lowest product available for $16.
The research on cannabinoids (CBD) have been in an in-vitro setting, for the most part, making the evidence of the benefits rather difficult to provide in a natural setting. Still, the CBD market is thriving right now, launching products for pain relief, like Because. Gualco explained,
“We’re not saying it works 100%, but these people are already buying [CBD].”
Because of the nature of the customers with Because, Gualco believes that his company is in a good place to get feedback on using CBD over time. Presently, the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t regulate CBD, and it probably won’t interfere with these products unless they promise to cure disease. The benefits are still debatable, but the founders of Because are careful to place their interest in products that work. While dealing with as sensitive a topic as incontinence, trust from consumers is paramount, and this trust could lead consumers to trust in the CBD products as well.