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Muscle MX CBD: CBD Recovery Balms, CBD Relief Lotions and Oils

Muscle MX is a CBD-focused brand that offers topical and ingestible solutions with CBD benefits. The formulas focus primarily on active individuals that endure muscle strains or other physical activities that may require support.
What is Muscle MX?
The use of CBD has taken over the United States as hemp farmers and manufacturers take advantage of its current legal status, due to the 2018 Farm Bill. Numerous studies have already risen over the last decade to show the positive impact that CBD can have on stress, anxiety, pain, and more, allowing companies to develop options for the public.
With Muscle MX, the primary goal is the protection of the muscles through exercise and improved skin health.
Muscle MX was launched to help consumers pursue a common goal – “to live happily.” A lot of us deal with discomfort, regardless of how old we may be or how much physical activity that we participate in. Unfortunately, this discomfort is typically handled with medication, which can become extremely addictive over time. To help solve this, the creators have developed CBD-based remedies that are specifically made to help with pain naturally and safely.
With these CBD products, consumers can easily prepare for the work that comes their way in the gym or as part of training for significant events. CBD responds to the body’s endocannabinoid system, regulating the nervous system, the immune system, and multiple organs. By ingesting it with tinctures, consumers can nourish the body from within. However, the power and strength that the topical remedies offer make it easy to absorb into the muscles.
Products from Muscle MX
While Muscle MX is primarily promoted for its CBD remedies, there are also some non-CBD options. Let’s look at each one to see what the company currently offers.
CBD Balm
There are two main types of CBD Balms offered – Activate and Recovery. Both are meant for use with a workout, includes CBD, and start at $14.99. However, their purposes are much different. The Activate balm offers a heating sensation, allowing the muscles and joints to get better blood flow and circulation before participating in a workout.
CBD is combined with caffeine, camphor, and menthol to provide this effect. In the Recovery formula, users will experience a cooling sensation that follows their workout, helping to improve soreness and reduce the pain that can arise after a workout.
Users will find that the balm is easy to apply directly to the skin. To get both formulas, the price starts at $29.99.
CBD Lotion
The CBD lotion, Restore, takes on a different need for the body. With the anti-microbial and moisturizing benefits, this remedy uses SilverSol Technology to rehydrate the complexion. The formula can be used daily with its all-natural ingredients.
For one 3.4-ounce tube, the total cost is $44.99.
CBD Drops
While the first two products on this list are topical solutions, the CBD drops allow users to ingest the remedy for a different reaction. The full-spectrum CBD is available in three flavors (berry, natural, and coffee), allowing users to indulge in the typical benefits that come with CBD, like reducing inflammation and promoting pain relief. Users can purchase these general-use CBD drops for $39.99 and up, depending on the concentration.
To focus on other benefits as well, users can also purchase Immune or Relax. With Immune ($79.99), users get a combination of CBD with vitamin C, zinc, elderberry, and B vitamins to protect the body from illness. In Relax (also $79.99), users get the added support of CBN and ashwagandha to help them balance out the mood and promote better sleep.
CBD Bundles
The CBD bundles provide users with a way of saving on the cost of purchasing all these remedies individually by offering packages that have a combination of the products. The packages offer:
- Mini CBD Activate and Recovery balms for $29.99
- Full-size CBD Activate and Recovery balms for $79.99
- Four CBD Recovery or Activate balms for $119.97
- CBD Defense Bundle (Activate CBD balm, Restore CBD lotion, and Recovery CBD balm) for $125
- CBD Wellness Bundle (Activate CBD balm, Recovery CBD balm, and CBD drops) for $139.98
- Ultimate Gift Set (Activate CBD balm, Recovery CBD balm, CBD drops, and Restore CBD lotion) for $184.97
Each of these packages allows users to get different combinations of the products without sacrificing the size of the products themselves.
Non-CBD Remedies
While most people come to Muscle MX for its CBD remedies, the creators have made non-CBD versions of its balms. Without CBD in them, the prices have been reduced to $17.99 each for the full-size versions. However, they still contain other ingredients that make these products worthwhile, like caffeine and ashwagandha.
Frequently Asked Questions About Muscle MX
Q: How can topical CBD remedies benefit consumers?
A: All these remedies allow users to experience the full benefits of cannabis, but without causing the psychoactive effects that THC is known for. The formulas have no THC (which is shown in their lab tests online), and the skin can absorb the remedy into the bloodstream to soothe muscles and dryness.
Q: How can consumers access lab tests?
A: The details on each batch produced for the products can be seen here:
Q: What kind of CBD is used to make these formulas?
The remedies from Muscle MX are all made with broad-spectrum CBD, which means that the company filters out other terpenes and cannabinoids. Thanks to this filtration, users won’t have any THC in the formulas, eliminating the risk of testing positive on a drug test.
Q: Does every Muscle MX formula include CBD?
A: No. The company offers two balms for muscle relaxation that have no CBD at all. These non-CBD versions of Activate and Recovery will only provide the support of the other ingredients found in their predecessors.
Q: Where can Muscle MX products be purchased?
A: Consumers can purchase these products online or in stores, though the latter may have fewer options with their inventory. For the nearest retail location, visit
Q: What if users can’t afford these products right now?
A: The Muscle MX website offers a payment option with Sezzle, allowing the user to split up the charge into four payments that are much easier to manage.
Q: What are the side effects of these products?
A: At this point, there are no side effects associated with the use of CBD or any other ingredient used in these formulas. However, if users have particularly sensitive skin or allergies, they may want to speak with a medical professional first.
Q: What if these products do not work for the user?
A: All the formulas are covered by a 30-day return policy to get a full refund. The customer service team for Muscle MX can be reached by calling 801-565-4718 or sending an email to
Muscle MX Bottom Line
Muscle MX offers a small range of formulas to help the body to heal from physical exertion. The formulas are mostly topical, forcing the body to absorb CBD through the skin. While there are tinctures offered as well, consumers will have their choice of different concentrations to cater to their specific needs.
The treatments can be purchased online or in stores, and they are all backed up with Certificates of Analysis to provide customers with full transparency.