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Clearway CBD Oil: Is the New Hemp-Derived Cannabidiol Supplement Safe?

With so many available options of CBD oil-infused products on the market, it can be difficult to find one that suits your needs. Because there are so many options, and not each one is made with quality standards or is able to work effectively, it is important to do your due diligence and assess products, their capabilities, and quality. One product that you may come across is Clearway CBD Oil, but what do the facts say about this newly released hemp-derived cannabidiol supplement?
About Clearway CBD Oil
Clearway CBD Oil describes itself on its website as “the most powerful cannabidiol oil” and that it offers “instant relief & recovery.” As for its capabilities, the website further explains that the peppermint flavored product “relieves chronic pain,” “reduces anxiety & stress,” “lowers blood sugar levels,” and “supports healthy sleep.” Despite these broad claims, the Terms and Conditions, which can be accessed by a link at the bottom of the official ClearWay CBD oil webpage, reads, in part, that “the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” Thus, despite the claims, you should be aware of the product disclaimer.
Lab Testing
When choosing a CBD product, a quality that you may want to look for is that the CBD in the product has been lab tested for efficacy, quality, and purity, and that the results are available. In this case, it does not appear that such testing and lab results appear on the product webpage. In this instance, maybe contacting the brand to inquire may prove fruitful.
User Testimonials
The product webpage also features product testimonials by individuals who are satisfied with the product. Even so, you may want to do some outside researcher on third-party websites to determine whether others have used the product, and what they have to say. As it stands, it appears that none of those testimonials are from verified consumers of the Clearway CBD oil drops.
Buying ClearWay CBD Oil
As mentioned, look over the terms as the only way to buy Clear Way CBD oil right now is via the free trial option.
Here is a snippet from ClearWay's terms and conditions:
“We are sure that you will enjoy our Clearway CBD Oil Products. By ordering a trial you will be sent a 30 day supply and be charged for USPS shipping and handling of $4.96 and then $89.97 (free shipping and handling) per month after the 14 days (10 days + 4 days shipping) trial period. You will be enrolled in the auto-shipment program which sends you a month supply every 30 days, starting from your initial order date and charges the same purchase price of $89.97 (free shipping and handling).”
It is important for consumers are aware what they are getting before opting to put credit card payment details into the ClearWay CBD order form. There are many quality CBD oils to choose from if ClearWay CBD oil's buying options do not make you feel safe and secure.
Contact ClearWay CBD
Because of the lack of transparency regarding the company behind the ClearWay CBD oil supplement, it may be best to first get in touch with the brand and have them answer a few questions first.
The phone number listed on the official salespage shows (877) 446-0650 as the phone number and as the email to use. The company may be located in Costa Mesa, CA as the return address for its Clear Way CBD is listed there.
Overall, Clearway CBD Oil is a CBD product that you may come across in your journey for a CBD formula. Reviewing the terms and conditions in full, assessing whether lab testing has been done, – and checking the lab results, and reviewing more user testimonials may provide you with more insight needed to make a decision that you are comfortable with.
In closing, make sure to read our CBD products and CBD company pages to help find a quality product that best suits your needs. Click here to see our number one rated CBD oil product for pain relief.
Note: This article is for general informational and educational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as legal or medical advice.