CBD in Michigan: MI State Laws and Where to Buy Legally
CBD Oil Legality in Michigan: Cannabidiol State Law Regulations in MI, USA
Michigan is a bit of a surprise when it comes to marijuana and cannabis regulations. Though the state is often known for a slew of relatively conservative ideas and a less-than progressive population, Michigan is actually in the minority of states which allow both medicinal and adult use of cannabis products. Additionally, the state also has an industrial hemp pilot program in place. For the average user of CBD products, the legal framework of Michigan pretty much means that the state is fully CBD-friendly.
Still, conflicts in federal legislation and even in the law books of the state itself sometimes make the legal framework of Michigan difficult to navigate for users of CBD in the growing hemp product industry. Some common questions continue to crop up among fans of CBD, even despite the considerably progressive legislative path being taken by their government.
This guide has been created as a resource to help to respond to some of the common legal ambiguities within the existing Michigan regulatory framework for recreational, medicinal, and hemp-based cannabis products. As always, readers alone are responsible for remaining current on all laws in their state or local jurisdiction.
CBD Laws In Michigan
The legal framework for marijuana in Michigan comes down to three sets of legislation, all of which combine to make one of the most liberal and progressive policies on marijuana and cannabis products in the entire country.
The first law on the books was Proposal 1. Passed in 2008, this piece of legislation made medical cannabis legal within Michigan. After this law became part of the structure in Michigan, doctors were allowed to prescribe marijuana as a form of therapy or treatment for a variety of conditions. Since this piece of legislation, the practice has become more commonplace and medical dispensaries have expanded all over the state.
Adult use was next on the docket. The state voted to legalize recreational use of cannabis by adults over the age of twenty-one in 2018 with Proposal 18-1.
Finally, the state revised their existing lawbook in 2016 to provide for a legal hemp industry. Specifically, laws from 286.841 to 286.844 created an industrial hemp pilot program which persists today. Coupled with the federal Farm Bill of 2014, this law means that industrial hemp products with a negligible amount of THC are legal within the state.
Age Requirements For CBD In Michigan
Age requirements for CBD in Michigan fall into three separate categories. As one might expect, these categories closely follow the three types of legal cannabis products within the state. First, medicinal CBD with a high THC content can be used by any consumer who has been given a recommendation and prescription by their physician or specialist. This means that users under the age of eighteen could theoretically gain access to medical cannabis; but most doctors will reserve this for only the most serious of conditions.
Users looking to purchase high-THC CBD under the state’s adult use law can only access the substance if they are over the age of twenty-one. This is an important distinction, but it is unlikely to change for quite some time.
Finally, CBD sold in regular stores and shops will contain less than 0.6% or 0.3% CBD. When this is the case, users generally only have to be over the age of eighteen in order to purchase the products. Some smoke shops distributing low-THC CBD might require that patrons be twenty-one to enter.
Where To Find Michigan CBD
Once again, where to find CBD depends on which kind of CBD product a consumer is looking to gain access to. If a reader wants to use medicinal cannabis-derived CBD with a high THC content, then the only place to find this product will be the many licensed medical dispensaries in the state. These can easily be searched online.
For simple adult-use high-THC CBD, consumers can find these products at any licensed marijuana distributor in the state. These distribution centers are not allowed to give medical advice, though, so users looking for advice should look elsewhere.
Finally, non-THC CBD can be found in the average gas station, head or smoke shop, convenience store, or health and wellness food shop.
Buying CBD Online In Michigan
It is completely legal to order CBD online and have it shipped to Michigan. But consumers should be aware of the THC content of the CBD products that they are ordering. Purchasing CBD that contains more THC than is allowed under Michigan CBD laws might constitute a crime, so readers should make sure they are complying with local and state laws on the subject.
Future Legality Of Michigan CBD
Michigan is approaching one of the most progressive policies in the country, and it is already the most progressive in the Midwest. Moving forward, the state is likely to become even more immersed in the ever-expanding hemp and CBD industry.