Vape Pens
CBD Vaping Risks: Is Using a Vaporizer for Cannabidiol Dangerous?

Along with other myths surrounding CBD, there are many rumors circulating about vaping. It is important to understand what is safe and also what is the best option for you. Vaping CBD in an oil cartridge is one of the most common administrations. In many states, vaping is legal making it a popular choice. It is sometimes advertised as a safer alternative to smoking, but this has yet to be proven. The use of a vaporizer is meant to mimic smoking by using an electronic cigarette. Vapor is produced through an electric coil and then inhaled as an aerosol. In terms of CBD, the high temperature of the tincture being heated shouldn’t affect its chemical profile, but there are differences in dosage when comparing inhaling versus ingesting.
An important note is that it is harder to control how much CBD one inhales versus how much one ingests. It is also important to read labels and verify where and how the CBD was produced. There exists a range when it comes to quality and it is key to look for a full-spectrum, CO2 extracted CBD product. There are still few regulations for vape CBD products and so it is sometimes difficult to determine the exact ingredients. There is often misrepresentation of how much CBD is actually included as well as how much THC content is present. There are also a variety of thinning agents used in vape products to increase efficiency. When some thinning agents are heated, they produce harmful carbonyl compounds that are linked to cancer.
The most harmful compound is formaldehyde which is a Class 1 carcinogen. Some producers include by-products including MCT, polyethylene glycol 400, propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine as well. One thing that is often discussed, but untrue is that antifreeze is added to CBD. This is due to the concern surrounding propylene glycol. However, this product is also used in cosmetics, baby wipes, and pet food. It is often used in vape pens because of its thinning properties. When inhaled, it can cause damage to the lungs, but sufficient research is not yet available to determine how harmful it is. It is important to look for a Generally Recognized as Safe label from the FDA, but more important to do thorough research of your own. There have been recent warnings from public health officials regarding the use of vape oils.
There do exist health risks including loss of consciousness, heart irregularities, nausea, headaches, vomiting, and seizures. This is largely due to the inconsistencies in the quality of CBD oils. Because there is so little regulation, it is difficult to determine the extent of the health risks. A recent study from John Hopkins did discover that when the coils are heated in vape pens, significant amounts of heavy metals can be released into the vapor. There is no research that has studied the long-term effects of inhaling heavy metals, but the results are not likely good. For a product that is designed to be beneficial for your health and with so many proven benefits, it is important to choose a method of administration that is also safe.
Recent studies do show that there are limited side effects to CBD use overall and that they do improve the symptoms of a variety of health conditions. The importance of research, testing, and regulation is even more evident. In the meantime, it is crucial to be conscious of your use and purchases as well as staying updated on the most current health information.