CBD Samples Box Launches for Consumer Friendly CBD Product Selection

There are countless CBD products on the market, which can make it difficult for consumers to decide which ones may be right for them. One brand is looking to reduce the challenge with its CBD sample box and subscription service with a “try before you buy” service.
A recent press release reports that Darrin Chase created CBD Samples Club. The sample boxes feature hemp-derived CBD. As the brand’s website explains,
“All products in our CBD subscription box, as well as available for sale on our member-only store, are produced from agricultural hemp.”
The CBD Samples Club enables consumers to try a variety of CBD brands, products, and delivery methods so that they can determine what is best for their personal needs, explains the press release. The product types include infused lotions, tinctures, gummies, and more.
Darrin Chase explains in the press release:
“Let's face it, people don't want to spend big bucks on something they don't understand or trust. We created CBD Samples Club to provide an affordable way for people to explore different products and feel confident about the brands they are trying. Most importantly, we provide valuable information about CBD and on the proper use of each product to eliminate the confusion that is often experienced by new users.”
Several leading CBD brands have partnered with CBD Samples Club, such as NBA star Al Harrington's re+PLAY CBD and his CBDfx products. As for the delivery process, according to the press release, boxes are delivered quarterly, and the boxes contain a vetted detailed information card. The information cards educate consumers on the samples they receive. Those who subscribe to the service will also have access to a members-only online store so that they may purchase a full-version of products that they enjoy, includes free shipping, and $60.00 worth of high-quality CBD products for just $24.95 per box. The press release reports that the CBD products feature a discount of 20-40%.
Consumers interested in learning more about CBD Samples Box can do so on the brand’s website.
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