CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
CBD Essence: Cannabidiol Oil Hemp Tinctures, Edibles, Skincare, Vape and Pet Products

In recent time, there has been a lot of rage when discussions on cannabinol (CBD) sparked, as it was considered questionable for health factors. CBD is one of several components found within the flowering plant that houses both hemp and marijuana.
CBD belongs largely to hemp and its extraction typically contains 0 to 0.3% THC – another component known for its psychoactive properties. Because of THC, when choosing a CBD brand, it must be ensured that their overall CBD extracting processes are on par. Hence, the reason why CBD Essence will be introduced in this review.
CBD Essence claims to carry the purest food-grade hemp oil products. To see why this might be, the following review will entice consumers to further understand CBD Essence with respect to its purpose, product line(s), and real-life health benefits to name the least.
About CBD Essence
The Founder of CBD Essence started investigating health and active lifestyles upon his ADHD and JR diagnosis. What started as simple R&D resulted in a life-long passion that only seems to be growing. He supposedly started NutraHemp, the manufacturer of CBD used in CBD Essence products. NutraHemp has also become the go-to CBD provider for other brands such as Hemp Pets, Hemp Taffy and Hemp Chill Pill.
Background On NutraHemp
Given that NutraHemp is the manufacturer for CBD Essence, it is important to have a sense of their overall quality and process. As per the claims made, the hemp plants used in extracting CBD come from a US certified organic farm. They also praise themselves for having high production standards and having an FDA-registered facility.
Although such statements are pleasing to read, evidence is required given the nature of the CBD market and the opposition that still persists. Nonetheless, let’s take a closer look at CBD Essence’s products to get a better picture.
CBD Essence Currently Being Offered
For those interested in giving CBD a shot, different mediums of delivery are available. In particular, consumers can choose from CBD tinctures, edibles, capsules, vape essentials, and pet care.
Let’s start with CBD Essence’s tincture collection. Tincture is a liquid solution that arises from the prolonged cooking of CBD leaves in an alcoholic base. It is typically ingested orally, i.e. underneath the tongue. The “CBD Edible Hemp Oil Tincture” is currently offered in a CBD strength of 300mg. Preferably, one should hold the solution underneath the tongue for about 2 minutes for optimal absorption. This one-ounce solution is priced at about $44.
Not everyone feels comfort when taking any form of medication – whether it be prescription drugs or CBD-infused essentials. Hence, any brand carrying a variety of mediums clearly indicates their extensive thought process. The next interesting product offered is the “CBD Oil Edible White Taffy Chewy Candy,” which also comes in chocolate.
Each candy is said to contain 10mg of CBD, which is the average found across several CBD brands. It supposedly has the ability to achieve calmness, while uplifting one’s mood, easing pain and ridding one’s mouth of dryness. The minimum one can expect to invest is approximately $48 up to $144.
CBD Essence’s “30 CBD Medicinal Hemp Oil Liposome Capsules,” contains 35mg of CBD per capsule. This is slightly higher than existing capsules, therefore consumers should keep tolerance in mind when taking it. The firm praises itself for having created the formula into “colloidal emulsions,” which claims to contribute towards optimal absorption. As for its price factor, the minimum one can expect to invest is about $26 for 10 capsules.
Next, we have the vape essentials, which include the CBD e-liquid, blend of CBD e-liquid and juice and of course, pre-filled cartridges. As for the “CBD Hemp Oil Vaporizer e-Liquid,” the minimum strength it comes in is 420mg, which is equivalent to 15mg/ml. Anyone looking for immediate results can choose vaporizers as an option as opposed to tinctures, however, the latter is typically longer lasting. It is currently offered at $44.
Topical solutions are known for their ability to give, once again, immediate results because they are applied onto aching regions, hence one specific area is targeted as opposed to the entire body. CBD Essence’s “CBD Active Sport Hot Muscle Rub” and “CBD Active LifeStyle All Purpose Lotion” both serve as an essential to ease muscle and joint pain and physical body pain from exercising respectively. Both contain 600mg of CBD per container and are valued at about $41.
Pets too require a sense of balance in all aspects of their health and in order to achieve this, CBD Essence came up with the “CBD Edible Hemp Oil Medium Dog Biscuits” and the “CBD Edible Hemp Oil Dog Lick.” CBD Essence’s approach in carrying the two most incorporable elements in a dog’s diet is praiseworthy, as they normally either eat or consume liquids. As for the strength of the solutions, both contains 10mg each. Prices vary from $7.99 to $79.
CBD Essence Conclusion
At the end of the day pros have to outweigh the cons for a brand to succeed. To start with potential con(s), it seems like CBD Essence has failed to provide evidence for pureness of CBD. This may not be required of them; however, transparency is crucial especially for consumers, therefore this is a downfall one should keep in mind.
As for the pros, one can list several. First, they carry significantly high strengths per serving for a reasonably low price. This not only will limit one from over consuming, but also have supplies that can last well over a month. Second, the different mediums of delivery will always be of mention because this implies, they’ve did everything they can to consider everyone with different preferences. Finally, different quantities (where applicable) have also been offered, which will make testing for tolerance rather inexpensive compared to purchasing in bulk.