The Arthritis Foundation Releases CBD Guidance for Adults with Chronic Pain

Arthritis is a debilitating condition that can make regular tasks all the more difficult. The Arthritis Foundation recently issued a new guidance on CBD, which may help those with the condition.
The blog post on the Arthritis Foundation’s website announcing the guidance indicates that the foundation recently consulted with “leading arthritis and CBD experts” to formulate what users should know about CBD, derived from the hemp plant.
The blog post also indicates that Natalie Azar, M.S., a rheumatologist and medical contributor for NBC news, featured the guidance in her report on the “Today Show” this morning. The guidance, which can be read in full here, indicates that the Arthritis Foundation takes the following position on cannabis:
“We are intrigued by the potential of CBD to help people find pain relief and are on record urging the FDA to expedite the study and regulation of these products. While currently there is limited scientific evidence about CBD’s ability to help ease arthritis symptoms, and no universal quality standards or regulations exist, we have listened to our constituents and consulted with leading experts** to develop these general recommendations for adults who are interested in trying CBD.”
Further, although the guidance recognizes that there is more to learn about CBD, it also notes that there are no quality clinical studies on CBD and arthritis, and doctors have not been able to indicate who may benefit from CBD. Moreover, although CBD is not a substitute for disease-modifying treatment for inflammatory arthritis, those who are interested in CBD should:
“first talk to the health care provider who treats their arthritis before trying CBD. Together, they can review what has worked or not worked in the past, whether there are other options to try first, how to do a trial run, what to watch for and when to return for a follow-up visit to evaluate the results. Keep a symptom and dose diary to track effects.”
All in all, the guidance appears to be an informative piece. Kevin Boehnke, a research investigator who works in anesthesiology at the University of Michigan, who helped develop and write the guidance for the foundation, shared with the Today Show:
“The guidelines are not saying ’you should try this.’ They’re saying, ‘if you want to try, here’s how you should do it.’”